Premature ejaculation (PE) is a frequent and under-treated problem for males and their sexual partners. PE is the most common sexual dysfunction problem for men, with an estimated 14-30% of males ages 18 years and older reporting PE globally. However, the prevalence of PE is difficult to determine because of the ambiguity surrounding the definition of clinically relevant PE as well as the reluctance of sufferers to report their condition . Yet, most previously published clinical trials use the DSM-IV-TR definition of PE, defined as : A. Persistent or recurrent pattern of ejaculation occurring during partnered sexual activity within approximately 1 minute following vaginal penetration and before the individual wishes it (Note: Although the diagnosis of PE may apply to individuals engaged in non-vaginal sexual activities, specific duration criteria have not been established for these activities) B. The symptom in Criterion A must have been present for at least 6 months and must be experienced on almost all or (approximately 75%-100%) all occasions of sexual activity (in identified situational contexts or, if generalized, in all contexts) C. The symptom in Criteria A causes clinically significant distress in the individual. D. The sexual dysfunction is not better explained by a nonsexual mental disorder or as a consequence of severe relationship distress or other significant stressors and is not attributable to the effects of a substance/medication or another medical
For issue 1.4 the discussion explored the question of whether or not sexual problems should be treated pharmaceutically. Connie Newman advocated for pharmaceutical treatment while Anita Hoffer argued against. Connie Newman presented her argument with various research, referring to the DSM to support her argument that sexual problems were not only a psychological but also physiological problem. She also laid out a comprehensive timeline demonstrating how the sexual problems have been viewed and treated over the years, progressing from purely a psychological based treatment to VIAGRA being an accepted method of treatment for male patients with erectile dysfunction (McKee, 2013, p. 51). However she did recognize that treatments for women had not
There are four categories of sexual dysfunction. The first is desire disorders which are the lack of sexual desire or interest in sex. Also, there is the inability
Criterion C requires that symptoms not remit for more than two months during the two-year period (APA, 2013), and Criterion D requires that the symptoms be continuously present for at least two years (APA, 2013). His symptoms were described as occurring constantly during the past five years, thus allowing Criteria C and D to be met.
Many doctors, pharmacists, biochemists and scientific researchers have engaged tremendous efforts to providing drugs and supplements that would help overcome sexual malfunction and ill-health.
Sexual/reproductive hx: The patient states he has never been sexually active, and denies oral sex engagement.
With a potential total of 150M men worldwide (30M in the United States alone) suffering from medical Erectile Dysfunction, there is a wide range of factors identified as the potential causes:
3. The conclusions section that sums up our thoughts and feelings regarding Tom Bradford’s erectile dysfunction solution…
Number five is premature ejaculation. This is when the man reaches orgasm prematurely with little to no stimulation. This is the most frustrating for both men and women because the male ejaculates so quickly that he has no time to enjoy the sexual experience, and the female is left unsatisfied.
This study was about the assessment of erectile dysfunction in patients with hypertension. The study was conducted in specialized care units. The patients were assessed how effective and tolerable Viagra treatment is. Each patient had hypertension problems. The participants with a score of equal to or less than the standard, were given Viagra up to sixty minutes prior to intercourse. Then they were evaluated. Results concluded that eighty-three percent of patients saw improvement in their condition. The rest of the participants were unconcluded for various reasons such as unable to complete the treatment, diseases, fear of therapy, and violation of protocol. The study concluded that although erectile dysfunction is common in hypertensive patients, it could be treated with Viagra. Viagra has shown to be a safe, and responsive way to treat erectile
While it is common for many sexual dysfunctions to be related to a medical condition, it is not true one hundred percent of the time. Certain sexual health issues, such as premature ejaculation, can be tied to an underlying medical malady, such as obesity. Yet, there are many men across the world who deal with premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and delayed ejaculation who are otherwise perfectly healthy. This is not to say that the men in question
Firstly, age is a valuable dimension due to the strong positive correlation to erectile dysfunction (ED) incidence. Secondly, as shown in the demographic data presented by Lilly ICOS, most men who suffer from ED are either married or living together with their partner. Being the influence of the spouse one of the
Sexuality assessment is focused on the individual’s satisfaction with sexuality patterns (Kriegler&Harton, 1992). Mom and Dad have been happily married for 20 years. They have an active and satisfying sex life. Mom still menstruates and has been considering a hysterectomy on doctor’s advice for fibroid tumors. Mom strongly does not believe in elective surgeries so struggles with heavy menses monthly and severe pain. Dad supports her decision at this time but her pain distresses him. Mom has not had a PAP in years but has an appointment for a PAP and mammogram pending.
Participants will answer the Clarke Sex History Questionnaire for Males-Revised to measure if the treatment worked. Questionnaire consists of 508-item self-report used to check a wide array of usual and abnormal sexual behaviors in an adult male population. Questionnaire can be located by Langevin, Ron; Paitch, Dan. 1999-2002. Yearbook: 16.
When a physician is screening for MDD they should also assess for baseline sexual functioning with validated rating scales. Although most MDD patients suffer from sexual dysfunction, most of them admit that they so not share this with their physicians this is because they feel embarrassed or humiliated and they regard the problem as a private matter or as a problem they can resolve. Sexuality has been described as an integral part of human life and it enhances a person quality of life. Since it is an important for a person’s self-identity, it is important for both ill and healthy individuals
Stress builds tension and heightens ideas creating space for depression. This alone promotes erectile dysfunction, destroys self-worth and raises the fear of sexual non efficiency. This results in many physical problems that may warrant clinical attention. The chain laid out strikes from one step to more chronic section. Sexual abilities are usually not left out and at each step it gets distorted, hormonal steadiness is tilted off it s track, excitations diminishes and different issues crop