
The Sickness Onto Death And Sartre

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Both Kierkegaard, in “The Sickness onto Death” and Sartre in “Being and Nothingness” present each existentialist’s view on the contemporary modes of inauthentic living that have been brought about by modernization. Kierkegaard’s explanation of inauthentic living stems from the notion of Kierkegaardian Despair, which he ties into his idea of “That Individual”. Not quite similarly, Sartre, through select chapters in “Being and Nothingness” conveys his perspective of contemporary inauthentic living through an idea he calls “Bad Faith”. Both Kierkegaardian Despair and Sartrean Bad Faith involve human suffering not at a psychological or physical level, but rather an existential level. I strongly believe that the individuals suffer more from Despair than Bad Faith, as there are aspects of nothingness and anguish of Bad Faith that intensify the suffering. “The Sickness onto Death” by Kierkegaard encompasses the notion of inauthentic living. Kierkegaard defines Despair as “the disrelationship in a relation which relates itself to itself “ (Hackett, 80). It is, in other words, failing to or refusing to take on the challenge of trying to become, as Kierkegaard calls it, “That Individual”. Also, by doing so, we are failing to achieve authentic living in its simplest form. To understand how human beings suffer from Kierkegaardian Despair, we must understand what it is that causes that existential pain that comes from having an unfillable void in one’s existence. Kierkegaard asserts

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