
The Similarities Between Christianity, Islam, And Judaism

Decent Essays

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all three different religions that have their own beliefs, goals, and religious ways. They range from their belief in Abraham to the holy buildings they attend. Each religion performs different activities in their holy buildings and use holy books. Christianity, Islam and Judaism all are divided into main groups, or sects. They see many things in different perspectives, and have their own interpretations about it, which is what makes them unique.
To begin, all three religions believe in one God - Abraham. However, they do not share the same story. This results in Christianity being based on Jesus, Islam being based on Allah, and Judaism based on Adonai. Each religion also has their own holy building. In it, they pray and do religious teachings. Christians attend churches, Muslims attend mosques and Jews attend synagogues.
In addition, another similarity that is shared is that these religions all have a holy day. Christians have a holy day Sunday, which is when they go to church and worship the memorial of their Savior’s resurrection. Muslims hold their prayers on Friday at noon. Similarly, Jews also pray on Friday. However, they pray from Friday evening until Saturday morning at synagogues. …show more content…

Bibles are used in Christianity and it has two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament has psalms and stories of the prophets. The New Testament includes four Gospels and stories of Jesus’s life. Muslims use a Koran, which contains revelations, or teachings, that God made to Muhammad. Jews base their religion on their holy book, called the TeNaKh. The TeNaKh has three parts: the Torah (stories of the ancient Hebrews), Nevi’im (history of the Hebrew messengers of God’s words), and the Ketuvim (writings, including

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