
Ways in Which Judaism, Islam and Christianity are Connected Essay

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How are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity connected? There are only two ways in which you can connect these three religions. The first is the fact that all three are monotheistic faiths that believe in one God. The other is through our lineage, traced way back to the “father of many nations”, Abraham. Abraham is looked at by these religions as the father of them and is very crucial to many spectrums of each religion. Although they all have a connection with Abraham as their father, they all disagree on the occurrences of his life and what he did for each religion. Abram, which becomes Abraham, is called by God when he is seventy-five years of age to leave his homeland of Ur and travel to become the father of many nations. Abraham …show more content…

Although the Jews, Muslims, and Christians all share a common understanding in the story of Abraham, there are many things that divide their unique understandings of Abraham and their identities as Children of Abraham. The Jews strongly believe in a law and Covenant with the most high God, their one and only God. They believe it is important to have “one God that counts”. The Jews still practice Abraham’s Covenant with God which committed to “keep the way of the Lord to do righteousness and justice.” For the Christians, Paul wrote, “the promise to Abraham and his descendants did not come through law.” Christians also believe that baptism in faith would more that suffice the righteousness of circumcision. Islam believes that God chooses people on the grounds of commitment rather than lineage. This means that the Muslims believe that faith plays a huge role in their relationship with God. Jon Levenson said: “If you want a symbol for university humanity, go to Adam; don’t go to Abraham.” This quote does not form positive relations between all three religions because of the fact that they focus more on the descendents of Abraham and the fact that he is the father rather than Adam. Pope John Paul II said: “God of our father, you chose Abraham and his descendents to bring your name to the nations…which we wish to commit ourselves to genuine brotherhood with the people of the Covenant.” Although this quote forms a positive relationship with

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