
The Similarities Between Serial Killers

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A serial killer is defined as a person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavior pattern. They are often depicted as reclusive, loner, and “weird”. These are common misconceptions about these people (I use that word lightly) along with most portrayals of them in Hollywood, the truth is that they are the last one you’d expect, often having the look of an “average Joe”, in fact they are so inconspicuous there is a chance you may have past one walking down the street. Through the years the world has been plagued by so pretty heinous serial killers, some of the most famous killers from around the world. Here are a few examples, Luis “the beast” Garavito, …show more content…

There distinct differences between the two. For one their reasons for killing, according to a paper of the National Center for Crisis Management website, “a large distinction that separates serial killers from other murderers are their motives to kill. Normally homicides are committed due to disputes that range from family affairs, gang violence, financial difficulties, and disputes between lovers and between friends. Unlike a normal homicide, serial killers are only driven by instinct and a desire to kill.”(NCCM) Second is the type of victim each chooses. A murderer kills a specific target/s, whether in the heat of the moment, gang violence, jilted lover, etc. They know them nine out of ten times. A serial killer however, almost never kills outside their own race. They’ll select a specific gender or age of their victim, whether for sexual desires, or revenge on that category of person. Serial killers like to dump their victims is specific areas, usually somewhere they know well. Whether it’s their own back yard like John Wayne Gacy, or a section of a forest they know well. Or in rare cases the victims are put on display for the public to see, a great example of this is the Zodiac Killer in the 1960’a 1970’s, who was never caught. He would kill someone in a public area and just leave them, all while leaving no evidence to lead the authorities to them. Serial killers also employ a ritual with their victims, a process they take to give the killing their “signature” of a sort. One of the best examples I can think of in this regards is the 1991 hit movie “Silence of the Lambs”. In this the killer (Buffalo Bill) kidnaps his victim in the dead of night, brings them to his house. Put them into a hole in his basement where he has the apply lotion to their skin of days maybe weeks to make it more supple. Then he kills them, after that he skins them in order to get material for a skin suit to make him look like

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