
The Social And Social Consequences Of The Second Industrial Revolution

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The Social and Political Consequences of The Second Industrial Revolution When the first industrial revolution occurred, transportaiton and production were mainly the forms of change within Europe. This paved the way for further advancement in transportation and production. In the later half of the nineteenth century and into the beginning of the long twentieth century, a second industrial revolution brought new technology and medical advances to Europe. Socialism emerged to attempt to solve political and social inequalities, leading to socialist policies being put into place. Medical advances and discoveries in hygiene and public health lead to a decrease in mortality and and increase in fertility, as well as improve the quality of life. …show more content…

However, current government did not want working class political parties, so they did the best they could to appease workers by creating regulations and benefits. Initially, liberals believed that government intervention would simply make the “rich richer and the poor poorer” . Increased need for protection of goods changed that attitude though, and people were forced into accepting government help because there was a need for legislation that would even out economic difficulties and inequalities. Thus, socialism was created as a social platform that would work through the existing platforms to achieve change for the working class. It gave many people the right to vote and made society responsible for society . Previous revolutions due to industrialization made enough of an impact to scare politicians into creating progressive laws, although some politicians did not like socialism …show more content…

When Germany was unified in 1871, it soon had an industrial revolution that rivaled other world super powers, such as Great Britain and France. This threw off the power balance in Europe . In order to gain more money and resources that may have been depleted over time, countries looked elsewhere for raw materials (such as coal and rubber) and new markets. The countries associated with new imperialism were the United States, Great Britain, France, Japan, and Germany . The United States, Great Britain, Germany and France divided up Africa, which was previously avoided due to its barren climate. Japan went to Manchuria and Korea, and Russia went to central Asia . Each went to the areas with goals to establish colonies and take raw materials. This would give the countries an advantage in trading. For example, countries sought oil in the middle east, Russia sought fur in Siberia, and timber was sought in

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