
The Social Consequences Of Being Obese

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Prejudice occurs in everyday life. The social consequences of being obese are severe. Individuals are targets of being stereotyped and stigmatized. Approximately one-third of all children and half of all adults in the UK are above a healthy weight (Mendcentralorg, 2016). For obese adults, research has documented that people who experience weight criticism have a higher chance of experiencing depression, anxiety, social isolation, and poorer psychological adjustment (Obesityorg, 2016). This stigmatization has often led to obese individuals reporting work discrimination, social exclusion, the dissent of health benefits, and public ridicule. (Myers, A., & Rosen, J. C. 1999). An individual could be faced with a layering of stigmas; by age, race or gender. Mill et al., (2009) concluded that it often intensifies even further the anxiety, lost opportunities, and social injustices. Although reliable evidence suggests that body weight is affected by some biological and environmental factors, there are perceptions that obese individuals are alone responsible and that the gain or loss of weight is under their personal control. It is also a misconception that all obese individuals are seen as lazy and lack the value of self-control. This may then reinforce beliefs that the cause of obesity is a result of out-of-control behaviour and impulses (Puhl & Brownell 2003). However, this is not a real reflection of reality as obese individuals are not they only people who are unhealthy, has an

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