
The Social Impact Of The Prohibition Movement In Anebellum America

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When the strict religious values began to weaken after the revolution, The Second Great Awakening began. With the movement came new religious sects and a fiery zeal for god. But most importantly, it also brought attempts to create a utopian society “God’s kingdom on earth”, this would be done by fighting injustices and evils on earth. Although the prohibition movement had wide ranging future social impacts, the most important reform movements in Antebellum America were the feminist movement, which first advocated for equality in education, the movement for public education, which created the foundation for a nation of good citizens, and most importantly, the abolition movement, which pushed sectionalism to its breaking point by challenging the institution of slavery. Initially, the group that spoke out for prohibition was the American Temperance Society from Boston. Initially, members of the Society believed in limiting a person's will to drink. The society believed alcohol was a major cause of destroying families and crime, they cite 3/4ths of crime to be caused by alcohol or “ devil's drink” ( stated in a report in Doc H) . There beliefs of how alcohol dilutes virtues are proved by Nicholas Fernandez who cited alcohol as the cause of his stray from a lawful life (Doc B). The issue with the movement was that it’s real effects do not take place in the timeline of Antebellum America ( rather the early 20th century), thus the reason for its exclusion from major reform

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