
The Social Of Crime And Criminal Behavior

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The influence that certain neighborhoods or environments have on crime has been observed and studied throughout the last two centuries. Many theories, such as the social disintegration theory, have been hypothesized to explain the effects of certain neighborhoods on crime. In addition, other theories have been presented, such as the collective efficacy theory, which serve to explain the reasons for reduced crime in other neighborhoods while presenting possible solutions to solve the problem of crime in society. This paper will explore these two theories and how they not only help explain but also, hopefully, solve the problems of crime and criminal behavior in both youth and our adults.

The social disorganization theory was developed in 1942 by two criminology researchers Clifford Shaw and Henry D. McKay. The social disorganization theory states that a person’s behavioral choices are primarily determined by their surrounding physical and social environments. This theory hypothesizes that it is the location, and type of neighborhood, an individual grows up in which is the greatest predictor of crime and illegal activity. Shaw and McKay discovered that neighborhoods with the highest crime rates all have the same common problems-- dilapidated structures, poverty, a high rate of turnover in the population, or residential instability, and mixes of people from different cultural backgrounds and cultures, or ethnic diversity. Shaw and McKay determined that that juvenile

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