The Sociological Challenges to Religious Belief
The sociological approach to religious belief looks at how society behaves on a whole, to answer the question, "Why are people religious?" Durkheim tried to show that religion, despite its importance to the religious individual, was a separate social experience. He defined religion as a "unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things." Therefore we must understand sacred symbols and what they represent. As a Functionalist, religion maintains social stability by removing tension that can disrupt social order. Religion is seen in a positive light, promoting harmony in society.
He studied the Australian Aborigines, where each clan
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Marx had a utopian vision of the future in which all people would be equal because the class system would no longer exist and no one would be exploited. He thought society fell into two groups, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The ruling class owned the means of production whilst the working class could sell their labour to the ruling class. The ruling class exploited the proletariat by paying them very little. This resulted in the proletariat feeling alienated from society. He believed that the only way out of this situation was for the proletariat to rise up against the ruling class and seize the means of production. Once the people owned the means of production, social classes would disappear and there would be no need for religion, since it existed only under the old social conditions.
Religion was seen as an illusion, it dulls the pain of oppression for the proletariat but at the same time it blinds them form their true reality, stopping them seeing what needs to be done to end their exploitation, as Marx infamously puts it, "It is the opium of the people".
A slightly different perspective came from Weber, who was more concerned with trying to discover links between types of religion and social life, with a particular emphasis on economics. He believed that religion grew from the belief of magic and they were an attempt to make sense of the world. Over
Marx saw contradictions in all societies; for example, in a capitalist society there is a conflict of interest. The company owners employ the workers at a low rate but subsequently gain substantial profits and rewards. In this instance one-group gains, at the expense of the other. Marx believed there would eventually be a revolt against the ruling classes (capitalist). This would result in the disappearance of the classes and therefore the disappearance of oppression and exploitation. This could only happen if the subject class knew they were being exploited but this would take time because the
Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Sigmund Freud were intelligent theorists that tried to reduce religion to simple explanations. Marx explained religion as a phenomenon created by economic position meant to give reason to people’s social economic position and thus provide them satisfaction, while they are promised salvation in paradise. Durkheim reduced religion as something created by the social interaction of people, thus making religion a social phenomenon, in which people interact and have rites. Freud, on the other hand, explained religion as being neurotic due to people’s obsession with security alongside the father. All in all, these three theorists attempted to reduce religion to its basic elements, which they later used to explain primitive life, and the reason for the continuity of religion in modern life. However, Mircea Eliade and Max Weber did not agree with the views. Weber and Eliade determined that the reductionist view did not give enough insight into religion, because they focused on primitive culture to say what religion was, information was confined to only western civilization, and in Freud’s case religion was neurotic. Thus, Weber and Eliade rejected the reductionist views of Durkheim, Marx, and Freud.
The U.S faces a unique dilemma when you factor religious and political debates in one sitting. Though not explicit in our Constitution, that there needs to be a separation of church and state, the majority of people act on the assumption that this is in fact stated. Our founding founders were aware that there are multiple religions (even at our nation’s start, in country) but it wasn’t about separation it was the First Amendment. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (Madison, 1791, Page 198). Today a growing numbers of Americans view the separation of church and state as wrong and oppressive, as they reflect on the nation’s indisputably Christian origins. Faith
Durkheim and Weber both had distinct theories as they expressed and conceptualized religion and it’s impact to society in quite different ways however, they somehow overall parallel each others theories. Durkheim observed religion in the context of the integrated society and recognized its place in affecting the reasoning and conduct of society.Max Weber saw religion as how it fortifies other social organizations. Weber suspected that the religious belief setup contributed a social system that SUPPORTED the improvement of other social organizations, like the economy. Weber is also addressing the shrinking hold of religion in modern society.”(Veugelers) This notionally theorizes that both philosophers acknowledge the importance of religion as influencing and supporting society. As indicated by Durkheim, people consider religion to be adding to the wellbeing
Weber, Durkheim, and Freud each offered a fascinating account of the role of religion in modern life. Weber and Durkheim specifically asked how to act ethically in a world of fragmenting values. Freud largely bypassed ethics, looking instead at how the individual utilizes values in negotiating pleasures, pains, and disappointments. While these three thinkers range from attention to the individual (Freud) to the social (Durkheim), and from a general, primitivistic (? Do you mean that he looked at “primitive religions” – the reason he did that was he theorized all aspects of religion could be traced by to the most primitive religion thus the elementary forms of religious life) view of religion (Durkheim) to a very specific, well-articulated one (Weber), they all share attention to the role of rules, the place of the sacred, the source of religious authority, and the value (or lack thereof) of religion in procuring happiness in modern life. (do you mean source of religious authority being human beings? Socially constructed? As for happiness, only Freud articulated it that way. Both Durkheim and Weber were concerned with conflict (Durkheim as a pathology and Weber as a core of modernity and modern institutions)
Max Weber is a German sociologist, who studied the relation between religion and capitalism in sociology. His theory brings forth many interesting aspects and point of views. Many could argue of religion’s importance to sociology, but Weber informs us of how big of an aspect religion really is.
How can the sociological approach to religion help us understand the world in which Martine and Philippa live? The sociological approach to religion is separated into two distinct categories: quantitative methods, and qualitative approaches. I believe that we can better understand Martine and Philippa’s world through qualitative approach. One of the main observations I had was, the relationship between their religion and economic status. The sisters, and the rest of the community looked as if they lived in poverty. The members of the church never seemed to indulge in anything (besides the feast at the end of the film). Overall, the community seemed to be supportive, and were regularly there for each other.
Religion has played a significant part in the foundation of our country. It is safe to say that religion has both united and divided our country in many ways. However, I believe that religion has helped in uniting our country more. Christianity is the religion that our country’s morals and beliefs have been based upon for decades. For the first time in history, religion played a role in unifying the country; Separatists (a small group of dedicated Puritans) came to America to practice religious freedom. They longed for a haven where they could live and die as purified Protestants. Religion has played a very significant role in the foundation of our country and has been a common factor that everyone has. It has divided our country several
Personally, I have always thought religion is the shared beliefs and practices of human beings. Religion is something that you can put your faith towards and believe in your life. Religion is the belief that that there is something larger than oneself and that you have to answer to for your good and bad deeds in life. There are so many different types of religions and cultures around the world. Religion is often used to label or identify a group of people. This label gives you some idea of people’s beliefs and morals. It defines our lifestyles, such as the way we act or dress, etc. Some people think their religious affiliation automatically predetermines the type of person that they are destined to grow up to be.
We all have some experience with religion. Whether our parents are religious, our own religious views, or others who try and convert you to a religion, we have all come in contact with a religion. But what do sociology and religion have to do with each other? The answer to this question is that religion meets sociology in the affects that it has on an individual or society (Schaefer, Richard T, 2009, pg 323).
“Religion is a ritualized system of beliefs and practices related to things defined as sacred by an organized community of believers.” (Basirico 379). Religion is an important element in the society because it influences the way individuals act and think. It has shaped the relationship and bonding among families as well as influenced the decision made in economics and politics. Religion in general has contributed to shape a society and a government structure which will influence the way the individuals under certain governmental structure behave. Sociologists are interested in religion mainly because religious belief is heavily rooted in individuals’ lives and it helps sociologists to interpret human’s actions, expression, and
The functionalist perspective is the most significant concept I have learned from this course. According to Durkheim, religion defined as a system of unified beliefs and practices, which are relative to sacred things (Christiano et al. 2016). Durkheim also believed that religion was a functional component of society, a definition that proved to be more “flexible and inclusive.” The study of religion enables greater understanding of the social impacts religion has on cultures. Race, gender, age, even socioeconomic status, can play an important role in religion as a socialization agent. Religion is an institution, which provides societal needs of socialization.
He lived in places such as Germany, France, Belgium, and London. He was exiled from all of these places except London because of his perspectives and ideas. He started off his life following in his fathers footsteps by starting the process of being a lawyer. When he realized that this was not for him, he went on to study philosophy and journalism. He is most known for his philosophy of Marxism and The Communist Manifesto. Marxism conveys Marx’s perspectives on the effects of capitalism on society, the nature of human beings, and the ideal social and economic situation. Marx believed that capitalism had a negative effect on society. In order to look at capitalism, he looked at it through the struggles and conflicts between different classes such as the middle class and the working class (Weber). He believed that capitalism led to conflict and was ultimately not good for society or for the individuals in society. Marx did not believe there was a such thing as human nature because he believed people were who they were because of the world around them such as society and culture. Self-fulfillment was the closest thing that he believed was in people’s human nature. He believed that through Communism the world would be in the ideal social and economic situation. Some ideas that were in communism include high income tax, no more right of inheritance, free education for everybody, no child labor, establishment of industrial armies, combine industry
Max Weber believed the religion is a deeply rooted institution that has shaped people’s image of the world, which in turn can impact their beliefs and motives. For instance, religion is used different amongst people of various class and statues. Individuals with high class and statues will use religion legitimate their circumstances and their situation in the world. On the other end of the spectrum, underprivileged individuals will lean toward religion that promise rewards for hard work and good morals (CSP). In addition, Weber believed that religion had supplied the framework that aided the development of various social institution, in particular the economy (PA).
The criticism made by Karl Marx, solely focuses on the social function of religion. Marx do not discuss the philosophical disputes, about the existence or nonexistence of God. He was a critic of the social role that religion plays, such as supporting and exploiting the social system. The nineteenth-century consists of two classes, the capitalist bourgeoisie and the proletariat class. The capitalist bourgeoisie found industrialists, manufacturers, and merchants, all whom engage in the business of profit. In the capitalist society human’s needs are defined by the system of private ownership. On the other hand the proletariat class is based on the hard laboring of men and women, whom both work for a wage. Marx theory serves as a social diagnosis to liberate the working class from its present oppression, inhuman treatment, and the exploitation of the oppressed class from the social system. This is used to uncover the laws of economic relations and class struggle of the people.