
The Sociological Examination Of Crime

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According to Gavin, in the text Criminological and Forensic Psychology, many psychologists have attempted to explain crime by coming up with multiple social theories. Gavin states that psychologist suggest that those who commit crimes have “individual differences” that “make it more likely than some people to commit crimes…” and that these social theories say that these crimes are a result of “the breakdown in social structures”. One of the first social theories that was introduced came about in 1938 by Merton, his theory is known as Strain Theory. Gavin goes on to define Strain Theory as the “social structures exert pressures which may lead an individual to commit crime”. His theory was a result of determining the “relationship between society and the values and behavior of members of that society was pivotal in the sociological examination of crime” (Gavin, 54). What strain theory attempts to explain is that crime is a result of instability or problems; for example, pressures of society and societal goals can influence an individual to commit a crime (Gavin, 54). Additional factors that contribute to trying to explain crime and delinquency are provided by psychological theories that suggest and “try to take account of the group and societal processes that impinge upon the person, but are naturally individualistic, at either the biological, personal or social level” (Gavin 56). However, some actually believe that determining individual traits and trying to link them with

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