
The Sound And The Fury

Good Essays

A disclaimer to start an essay isn’t too formal, neither is my writing. After several hours of listening and trying to decipher William Faulkner’s work “The Sound and the Fury”, one experiences an epiphany that he cannot read. The determined also known as the student has to continue on the quest to fulfill his high school education though. Caddy Compson, the most important character in The Sound and the Fury, is rather rare in that both in writing and in the book. It’s rather abnormal for a writer never to share the central character’s thoughts or views on… anything, and this is exactly what occurs in Faulkner’s work. Caddy only appears in flashbacks told by her brothers, perhaps the three most unreliable narrators one has ever seen. The …show more content…

None of them realize that part of the problem was that they were forcing her to be something she wasn’t. At the same time though, it is hard to tell if her brothers entirely forced her into those roles. We see through Benjy’s memories Caddy as the strong willed little girl who wanted to be in charge of her brothers and who broke the rules without fear of punishment. From childhood she insinuated herself into the role of her brothers’ controller. That desire, in the end, only made them the controllers of her destiny. Her declaration that she be in charge of the three boys during her grandmother’s funeral is almost as dooming as her dirtying her drawers in the mud, foreshadowing her impurity. In the end, Caddy rebels violently against her brothers’ expectations of her. Desite the love and affection she feels for Benjy and Quentin, she acts out with her sexuality (despite promising Benjy she wouldn’t after an early encounter), which confuses Benjy and frustrates Quentin (for so many reasons). The only one she doesn’t overtly and intentionally act out against is Jason, who hates her the most for her actions. He loses a potential job because Caddy’s husband finds out their daughter is not his. Jason loses a chance at a job (which he never would have had if Caddy hadn’t needed to marry Herbert Head in the first place) because Caddy was actually trying to fix the mess she had made. Jason has the least cause to detest his sister, but he hates her

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