
The Sound and the Fury

Decent Essays

“The Sound and the Fury” is a novel full of literary devices used to portray the crazy lives of the Compson family. Symbolism is used heavily throughout, and helps to explain what goes through each character’s mind as they trudge through many life experiences. The two symbols that stuck out the most would have to be the clock symbolizing time, and Dilsey symbolizing Jesus.
As the clock ticks, days come and go and time passes by. On Earth, every society revolves around clocks whether it be at work or at school. Each day of our lives we have somewhere to be or something to do at a certain time. Just think about it, without clocks there would not be a past or future, everything would be in the present. Quentin quotes, "Because …show more content…

Work would not be such a dreadful thing if there wasn’t a certain time you had to arrive and leave everyday. Studies have shown that the most productive and happy people are the ones that do not have a certain work schedule. As long as they get their work done, either in the workplace or at home, everything runs smoothly. However, most businesses have a certain number of hours each employee is required to work and those must be followed to the point. This makes it so much harder to look forward to going to work, unless you are totally passionate about what you do. Speaking of being passionate, Dilsey has a grueling job and has everything it takes to be successful at it.
Selfless, caring, and protecting are three character traits that Dilsey has acquired throughout her lifetime. Dilsey is the caregiver and the maid for the Compson family; without her, the family would have fallen apart. One of Dilsey’s main jobs while working for this family is to care for Benjy, who suffers from mental retardation. This can be an extremely trying task, but Dilsey handles it very well. Dilsey symbolizes many good things, but the first that comes to mind is Jesus. The first word that comes to mind when comparing the two is servant. Matthew 23:11 says, “The greatest among you shall be your servant.” While Jesus was the greatest among all of the disciples, Dilsey was the greatest among the Compsons. Both Dilsey and Jesus

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