
The Soviet Union And Ukraine

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Thesis: Holodomor was marked by negative relationships between the Soviet Union and Ukraine that would introduce a series of conflicts between the two nations, intensifying political tensions.

Introduction Information:
• An indirect attack on the Ukrainian village, which traditionally had been a key element in Ukrainian national culture (Ukraine)
• Holodomor is the Great Famine of 1932-1933, it was man-made as a result of Stalin’s policies (Ukraine)
• Holodomor means “killing by hunger” (Mace)
• Primarily in the ethnically Ukrainian areas in the Northern Caucasus (Vasylyev)
• It was a direct assault on the Ukrainian peasantry, who resisted collectivization (Ukraine)

Stalin created multiple new laws to oppress the rights of Ukrainian farmers and begin to threaten their culture, gaining ample opportunity to start starving the population. For example, in 1928, Stalin introduced a program of agricultural collectivization. This policy forced farmers to give up their private land, equipment, and livestock, in favor of collective ownership (Vasylyev). Stalin overextended his reaches of power, threatening Ukrainian’s way of life and beginning the tensions between the two countries. Many Ukrainian farmers, known for their independence, refused to join collective farms, these people were known as Kurkuls. In 1929, Stalin introduced a policy of “class warfare” in the countryside which aimed to break down any resistance to collectivization (Vasylyev). Stalin saw this resistance to

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