
The Spread Of Buddhism

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Buddhism For some reason, Buddhism is rapidly growing in western countries. Buddhism was the first world religion. Due to this fact there is a lot of history to the religion. From how it started, the many forms, the beliefs and how have they have evolved over time, to the spread across the eastern countries and all the way to the rapid growth in the western world today.
Buddhism started with Siddhartha Gautama. Siddhartha Gautama was the son of northeastern Indian King Shuddhodana. During Queen Maya’s pregnancy she dreamt that a white elephant carrying a lotus flower had touched her right side. At this moment she became pregnant.(Wangu 18) When she gave birth to Siddhartha he had a mark on his body. Little time after Siddhartha’s birth a …show more content…

It took years of searching to find the answers. He is named Buddha which means “the enlightened one”. After his so called enlightenment he furthered his journey. He learned more about meditation and learned more about the cause of suffering. Buddha went back to the five men to teach them what he discovered on his journey. The men were reluctant at first due to the fact that they felt as if he abandoned them. He explained what he had learned and they were all ears. He taught what causes suffering which is called the Four Noble Truths. Then he taught how to end all suffer with the noble Eightfold Path. (Ganeri 8)
“The Four Noble truths are: suffering consists of disease, old age, and death, separation from those we love, craving what we can’t have , and of hating what we can’t avoid or control. All suffering is caused by desire and the trying to satisfy our desires. Suffering can be overcome by avoiding desire. The way to end desire is to follow the Eightfold Path.” (Wangu …show more content…

Some more unique than others. One very common practice in the buddhist community is meditation. Though this is mainly focused on in Zen Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism, all forms of Buddhism practice it. Unlike Christians, Buddhist have no set in stone special way to do ceremonies such as weddings, birthdays, funerals,etc. Some forms of buddhism shout mantras. Mantras are sounds that are said to have special powers. Buddhist monks chant these mantras a certain amount of times. They count how many times by holding prayer beads in their hand and moving to the next bead each time.

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