
The Stages of Pregnancy and Nutrition during Your Gestation Period

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Do you wish to have your first baby early and feel the unique experience of motherhood? Are you making plans to get conceived in the right period of time with certain steps? If your answers to these questions are “sure, why not?” then you need to know about the stages of your pregnancy as soon as you get the pregnancy test with positive results.
In fact, pregnancy is a big event in every woman’s life and a very exciting experience for the first time. Some women feel confident that they were pregnant at the time of conception and others don’t believe until they perform a test after missed periods which are an early sign of the chances of getting conceived. You feel the signs and changes in the body that lets you know about the reasons for …show more content…

After 4th week of pregnancy, your body undergoes excellent changes like: symptoms, body weight, swollen ankles and changes in eating habits, and the same continue till the 8th week of pregnancy. We will know in detail from 5th week with some useful points that proves helpful to you. It is thrilling to have changes in your body and with your baby every week based upon the developmental changes which are taking place during pregnancy. Let us know from the 5th week of the pregnancy stage.

Foods to be taken from 5th to 8th week of pregnancy
A safe and healthy diet is recommended for 5th to 8th week of pregnancy. Include fresh fruits, mixed grain, bread, boiled potatoes and pasta. Foods that are rich in protein like eggs, chicken, beans, pulses, lentils and soya nuggets are advices to take. In case of dairy products, foods such as milk, cottage cheese, curd and yoghurt is recommended. Even healthy snacks are also recommended during this time with ten glasses of water in a day.
You can try healthy drinks like coconut water; skimmed milk and banana shake which is very good for the health of mother and baby. If you are feeling to have healthy snack then try Upma. Grilles paneer tikka, sweet potato chat, fruit or vegetable, Bhel puri, mixed vegetable idly or khandvi. It is better to use plant oils rather than other oils

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