
The Stone Angel: Canadian Landscape

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Canadian landscape is so vast and varies from coast to coast. This greatly effects the way pope see Canada and how the people from those respective landscapes live. Both books being used to prove this theory contain a viewpoint of Canadian. Their viewpoints however is extremely different. In the Stone Angel the setting is 100 percent west coast landscape whereas in No Great Mischief it is obvious he describes the east coast landscape of Canada. West coast Canadian landscape is much more mountainous and rocky than the east coast which contains flat land with the occasional vague hill. Canadian Landscape greatly influences authors works based on where they come from. The vastness of Canada’s landscape creates such a diverse base for Canadian …show more content…

The plot develops and is more rich as the landscape becomes more and more evident. It is obvious that based on the nature both authors, Macleod and Laurence experienced living on their respective coasts adds greatly to their stories. Alistair Macleod clearly uses the nature and landscape to add to the memories and stories he recalls from his childhood. This definitely connects the reader on a deeper level and encourages them to read on and learn more. “In the weeks that followed their loss, the sun shone brightly and the currents were strong, and the ice turned black beneath its own whiteness, as if eaten by a hidden cancer which only now began to make itself visible.” (p55. No Great Mischief. Alistair Macleod.) When the author is describing what happened to his parents and what he and the rest of is family went through he uses quite a bit of reference to the water that took his parents and the way nature felt at that time. This proves that the memories Macleod have are closely tied to the nature that he grew up around as it is evidently used …show more content…

It is not just noticed in jobs they have but also by the way the characters present themselves and speak, it is very possible to tell where they are from in Canada. In No Great Mischief for example, Macleod’s dad has a lot to do with the east coast life. He is constantly around the natural landscape that is in the east coast. “My father had applied for the position of light keeper on the island which seemed almost to float in the channel about a mile and half from the town which faced the sea. He had long been familiar with boats and the sea…” (p155. Viewpoints.) This quote proves to the reader from the very start that the land his dad grew up on is very close to his heart and cannot go a day without being included in some way with the east coast landscape. When he came home from the war he first applied for the lighthouse keeper, a staple for east coast living. Throughout the novel as well in The Stone Angel, Hagar goes through many changes but there is always one thing that never seems to change, the way the forests she has lived with symbolize freedom to her and peace. For example, even though Hagar has encountered so much loss in her life, not only of relatives and loved ones but now her home and pieces of herself. Moving into the nursing home is clearly not something she wants to do and each time she escapes whether it be mentally or physically it is to the forests that surround her. Hagar’s

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