
Women In A Jury Of Her Peers, By Kate Chopin

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In the early 1900s, it was very common for a woman to feel as though she is living a “confined” lifestyle. The stories “A Jury of Her Peers,” “The Yellow Wallpaper,” and “The Story of an Hour” include examples of women during this time who feel as though they are trapped. The lifestyle of women in the early 1900s still remains an important topic today. Susan Glaspell, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Kate Chopin wrote short stories depicting the unhappy lifestyle of a woman in three different scenarios. The stories may have different plots, but they are all similar in the representation of women in a figurative confinement in the 1900s. There is one specific room in each story that each woman feels trapped or free. In “A Jury of Her Peers,” Minnie …show more content…

Hale, her husband, Mrs. Peters and her husband go to the house to investigate. Ironically enough, Mrs. Peters’ husband is the sheriff. The men go to look for evidence while the women remain in the kitchen. This is significant because the kitchen, in a man’s eyes, is the only room in which a woman belongs. The men collect evidence and look everywhere but the kitchen which is a mistake on their behalves. Ironically, all clues that lead to Minnie’s motive lie in the kitchen. The kitchen is believed to be the room that holds “trifles,” and women seem to worry about those too much, according to the men. Mrs. Hale’s husband even says “. . . women are used go worrying over trifles” (Glaspell 4). The men do not believe the women should do anything regarding finding evidence of the murder. The women come across Minnie’s bird cage, in which her bird used to live. They discover the cage had been broken and the bird was no longer there. Minnie’s husband had killed the bird by ringing its neck, and this motive is a very symbolic part of the story. The bird is trapped inside this cage, not being able to fly and do the things it wants to do. This bird symbolizes Minnie in the sense of being trapped. …show more content…

The narrator is literally driven crazy by this rest cure. The narrator’s husband is a doctor, and is the doctor who prescribed her this rest cure. He believed that this was the best course of treatment for her. She is not treated in just any room in the house, she is confined in the nursery. The narrator’s husband treats her very much as if she were a child, despite the fact that she is a grown woman. He hovers over her and she feels trapped. She knows he means well, but she doesn’t enjoy it. Her bed is nailed to the floor, and there are bars on the windows. This would make anyone feel like they are in jail or confined to a place they do not want to be. Her husband is a doctor, yet he really does not know what he is talking about. He believes that this rest cure is the best thing for her, but it isn’t. He is not realizing the severity of her illness. Her husband’s opinion of her illness is that “it is a false and foolish fancy” (Gilman 6). This is very ironic because he is a doctor, yet he is not treating the severity of her illness like any doctor would. Her illness is much more severe than he is making it out to be. The biggest form of irony in this story is the wallpaper. It is often mentioned in the story that the narrator absolutely hates the wallpaper that she is forced to look at every day in her nursery. It is yellow and not very pleasant to the eye. She complains about it

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