
The Strange Situation Study Of Mary Ainsworth

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From an evolutionary perspective, John Bowlby made the connection that children form an attachment to their parents in the best interest of survival. Therefore, in a well functioning parent-infant relationship, infants learn to seek their parents in frightening situations and use them as a secure base (Hesse, 2014). However, Mary Ainsworth exemplifies that this is not the case for all infants. In the Strange Situation Study, Mary Ainsworth discovered three fundamental attachment styles: secure, ambivalent, and avoidant attachment. A fourth attachment style was later discovered by Main and Solomon and classified as disorganized attachment. These are known as the four fundamental unidirectional types of attachment between an infant and their caregiver. These relationship patterns are often established between infant and primary caregiver during their early stages of life. In the following, I will exemplify how these attachment styles differ when the infant experiences significant disruptions in their family relationships because of changes in caregivers and separation from imprisoned parents? In the United States, the number of parent imprisonment has grown significantly. It is estimated that 1.5 million children have a mother or father in a federal or state prison (Sniffen). Researchers have identified parental incarceration as a significant risk factor for long- lasting psychopathology, including antisocial and internalizing outcomes (Joseph Murray and Lynne Murray,

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