
The Stranger Beside Me Analysis

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In The Stranger Beside Me, Ann Rule and Ted Bundy’s relationship is portrayed as them being very close to each other. They both met in 1971 at the Crisis Clinic center where they both volunteered and were partnered up to answer phone calls together (Rule, 2009, p26). Through time it is shown that they could share anything with each other and always ended up with one of them giving the other guidance to their problems they have. For instance, Ted would always talk about his relationship with Meg and how he still loved Stephanie a lot and wanting to get back with her and Ann would urge him to make the right decision by not making promises to Meg that he could not keep simply because he still longed for Stephanie (Rule, 2009, p34) . Ted had also gave advice to Ann before about her divorce by telling her if that’s why her husband wants then she should respect it by stating, “you both deserve to get on with your own lives (Rule, 2009,p 30)” The way they share their turmoils and life stories goes to show they trust each other, understand each other, and can connect with each other on different levels even though they might not deal with the same problem. Even after Ann stopped working at the Crisis Center her and Ted still kept in touch with each other indicating that was a decision they both wanted and they built a friendship. Not entirely sure how Ted and Ann’s relationship will go throughout the book, but based on inference Ted and Ann probably kept in touch for a long period

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