
The Struggles Of Finding My Identity

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To say the least, the struggles in finding my identity is similar to those of Thomas. Thomas struggles a lot between being who is family wants him to me and being who the hip hop culture wants him to be. These two identities shaped most of the decisions that he made in his early life, leading up to and in college. Transitioning into Georgetown, Thomas was experiencing conflicts in which his actions did not match how he was raised at home. Thomas is having to make the decision on whether or not he wants to put on the face for his peers at Georgetown, or his hip-hop community. This is similar to how I felt with my family, after transitioning into a boarding school my sophomore year of high school. I had to put on a different face for my family, after coming out to and growing around my supportive peers at school. I felt that I had to live up to a certain standard at home, which is how Thomas also felt when he began studying at Georgetown.

My junior year of high school was difficult, as my family and I were not agreeing on many topics... When I transitioned from my Catholic school back home in Virginia, to an international school in Baltimore, Maryland, my whole outlook on life changed. Never had I had to think about race. I grew up with my dad and brothers in an all white, Irish, Catholic, predominantly male household where the only time I saw a black person was on the news. I thought I had learned a lot from my father regarding stereotypes and racism, the do’s and do

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