
The Success Of The American Revolution

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Volumes of scholastic literature, circulated history books, and an array of multiple sources acknowledge Frances’ contributory role in the success of the American Revolution. Prior to discussing their role in the American Revolution, it is important to mention their historical past in the colonies in order to understand why they intervened on behalf of the continentals. Frances’ historical past in the 13 colonies is filled with humiliation and resentment due to their defeat against Great Britain in the Seven Years’ War from 1754-1763, which caused them to surrender their territory to England under the conditions and terms specified in the Treaty of Paris (1763). Driven by revenge, in the wake of the American Revolution, France opened their …show more content…

At that climax, the French knew then and there that the patriots actually stood a chance and decided to formally get involved in the war and support the rebels This was almost inevitable though, because Historian James Perkin claims, in his article entitled France and The American Revolution “it was natural, therefore, that the troubles in which Great Britain was involved with her American colonies should at once receive attention from France.” Through that statement, it can be interpreted that France had planned to intervene and provide auxiliary and the only thing hindering them was the correct timing to launch their military retaliation against their long, contested enemy, England.
The primary motive behind Frances’ involvement is clear: the French desired to get revenge from the Seven Years’ War. The rebel’s quest for independence opened an opportunity for France to accomplish their objective. Ingrained in attitude and on documentation in 1778, the French made it clear in the alliance that they are going to support the United States until England recognizes American Independence. Although one may argue that Count of Vergennes, the minister of French foreign affairs, enacted a medium of communication between the colonists and the French monarch solely for political reasons, the author makes it clear that the everyday French citizen had the complete opposite ideology. He states, “There is no doubt that among

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