
The Success Of The Marshall Plan

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The Marshall Plan, an idea that changed the world, to place a halt in the Soviet Union’s expansion along with Communism taking control in Western Europe, in complete success through reasonable nature and actions. As of June 5th, 1947 “Secretary of State George C. Marshall spoke at Harvard University and outlined what would become known as the Marshall Plan”(USA). George Marshall’s “Marshall Plan” also known as the “ERP” or “European Recovery Program”. The proposed idea was the United States would provide more Financial Aid of twenty billion dollars to these “Western European Nations”. As it is known Europe was bordering collapsing in multiple countries after World War II. This was also an aim to prevent the spread of more Communism throughout Europe. As the Soviet Union was beginning to lose control and power after World War II. George Marshall was originally a General in the Army. Though he was later “Chief of Staff of the United States Army”(Marshall). Marshall played this role under both President “Roosevelt” as well as “Truman”. Though later on through Marshall’s career President Truman moved him to the “Secretary of State”(Marshall) and “Secretary of Defense”(Marshall). As well before his proposal of the “Marshall Plan”. Marshall was known for the award he received from “Winston Churchill” awarded the “Organizer of Victory”. In World War II, for his contribution and leadership placed towards this “allied victory”. As well George Marshall was an American Hero

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