
The Success and Intentions of Galileo Essay

Decent Essays

“Galileo has been depicted variously as a cynical opportunist, patient genius or lucky engineer, and dies a coward or a modern Socrates.” I agree that he is a patient genius, and lucky engineer, but I do not agree that he is a cynical opportunist, coward or a modern Socrates.
Galileo was a mathematician and a natural philosopher, who converted Copernicanism, which states that the earth revolved around the sun, into philosophy and the world’s true nature. By introducing new knowledge and using science to prove existing theories, he had caused a revolution by changing how people perceive the world during the last few hundred years and to doubt the authority of the Church, so as to spur on more people to confront the Church’s interpretations …show more content…

So, although he had his own thinking and ideas, he waited fir the right opportunity to voice them out to minimize conflicts with the church, thus he was a patient genius.
He was a lucky engineer. Through his hard work, he achieved great results from observing the stars, and applied math, scientific knowledge, and his own thinking in coming up with proofs that the universe was heliocentric and other theories such as Jupiter had moons orbiting it too, defying the “old science” that the Church was insisting on that the Earth was the center of the universe. He was also lucky because his hard work had paid off when he gained fame and prestige from publishing his book. If he had not done so, he might not have the motivation and opportunities to pursue the truth in knowledge later on and might not have caused a revolution to occur. Many coincidences occurred, like him getting famous, Baberini becoming the Pope, that allowed him to become what he is today. Thus, he was a lucky engineer.
Like Socrates, he opposed the main ruler of the time, in Socrates’ case it was Athens, and in Galileo’s case, it was the Church. Socrates was found guilty of impiety sentenced to forced suicide, but he actually wished for his death. He had the opportunity to run away, but he did not, as he believed that a true philosopher do not fear death, and he wanted to uphold Athens’ law. Galileo was charged with

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