
The Sun Also Rises

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Throughout the entire book of The Sun Also Rises, hardly a page goes by without referencing any alcohol. From the very beginning of the book, the main character/protagonist, Jake meets a young prostitute named Georgette and they have drinks together. She states that, “Everybody’s sick. I’m sick too”. Bars, dance clubs, cafes where alcohol is served seems to be a place of escape for a majority of the characters. Jake Barnes, like the other characters, uses the consumption of alcohol to escape what realities he face at home, his lust for Brett, but also to forget the things of his past. “Everybody’s sick. I’m sick too”, Georgette. When reading this line, Georgette and Jake have just met for the first time and they are having drinks of …show more content…

Jake Barnes, like the other characters, uses the consumption of alcohol to escape what realities he face at home, but also to forget the things of his past. Jake is one of the main characters and the protagonist of the story. He is a World War I veteran that has lost his “manhood” because of the war. He has love for a woman, Brett that not only wants him, but everybody else as well. He knows he can have her emotionally, but physically it is impossible and will only be a burden on their relationship. We can see that Jake really does not want to be such a heavy drinker for there are a handful of times throughout the story where he surprisingly turns down a drink or two. Jake only seems to be a social drinker, but he goes out so much and with people who drink just because they can that he cannot help but to join along with them. When Brett comes around, she seems to be the main force driving him to drink. She brings the Count to his home and brings champagne and wine there for them to sip upon. And when Jake sees her leave with the Count and other men, it only depresses him more and makes him want to leave the safety of his home and go out to drink and party to escape the loneliness and hurt that Brett has left him with. Although none of the characters speak

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