
The Sun Has Long Since The Darkness Of The Night

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The sun had long since made its way across hemisphere, dipping behind the mountains. There was no moon tonight, and what light there is, was swallowed up in the darkness of the night, although watching a sunset was the last thing on my mind tonight.
I felt unsettle as I strode up to the corner bar, located in a neighborhood I would never be caught in during the day, yet alone in the dead of night, and though I have been watching it for weeks now, always from the shadows and keeping my distance. Tonight purpose drove me forward.
Pushing the large aged wooden entryway open took more strength than I expected, yet finally giving way as rusted hinges squealed my arrival. I was tired tonight and it took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, the …show more content…

“Names Charlie, haven’t’ seen you here before, what’ll it be?” Asked the bartender. “Stoli, make it two shots no ice” I replied in a whispered voice, keeping my head down.
Flipping two shot glasses up from behind the counter with one hand, reaching for the vodka with the other, there was a certain gracefulness in his movements.
I sat, sipping my Stoli and waited, still nursing my first shot, keeping the second for… breaking the silence, the front door squealed open announcing yet another arrival. He was a tall handsome man, muscular, with the hint of a five-o’clock shadow if you like that sort of thing. His eyes moved from left to right, and then caught mine in the corner, I quickly averted my gaze, acting like he owned the place he made a direct line to me. “Come here often, okay if I sit here, I mean you’re alone right? He asked as he intentionally brushed his body against mine as he nearly tripped into the barstool next to me.
“Free country, sit where you want!” I said in with both disdain and the same hushed whisper.
“Haven’t seen you here before, thought I knew all the pretty women come around here, what are you drinking?”
“None of your business!”
“Don’t be that way, just trying to be friendly.”
“Stoli” I snipped
“Charlie, get me two more Stoli’s” he shouted across the bar. Leaning into me, almost touching again, he cocked his head trying to look into my eyes and said “green eyes, I

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