
The Systemic Prevalence Of Sexualized Violence Plaguing Post Secondary Campuses Within British Columbia Essay

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The systemic prevalence of sexualized violence plaguing post-secondary campuses within British Columbia (BC), calls into question the adequacy of the mechanisms post-secondary institutions have in place. Bill 23 requires public post-secondary institutions to establish and implement stand-alone sexual misconduct policies. This policy plays an important role in addressing the bigger issue of rape culture and the institutionalization and normalization of it in our society. Post-secondary institutions are in need of a coordinated approach to the prevention and intervention of sexual assault, and campus policies are a core component of this (Gunraj, A, Celia,W, et al.,2014,4). Sexual assault and violence against anyone should not be tolerated and we should all do our part to make sure our communities, campuses and workplaces are safe. Sexual assault is an issue that impacts men and women of all ages, classes, races and sexual orientations. Sexual assaults on campus is an issue gaining more and more attention throughout Canada, especially after the string of assaults that happened at UBC back in 2013. The staggering number of men and women that experience some form of sexual violence or assault in their lives is alarming. It is estimated that one in six men will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetime and one in three Canadian adult women will experience sexual assault or violence (Statistics Canada,2013). According to a 2013 Statistics Canada

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