
The Tang Dynasty : The Classical Age Of Art

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The Tang dynasty was retroactively viewed as the classical age of art. Later generations would try to return to the styles displayed during this era. The earliest variations of shanshui paintings (literally translated as mountain-water) emerged at this time . Figurative drawing was stronger during this dynasty in a way than it ever would be again. These drawings often fell under the style of gong-bi (literally meaning “meticulous”) which were highly detailed, often brightly colored narratives with many subjects, often depicting the royal court. Murals, cave paintings, and court paintings were prolific. The landscape took claim over the culture’s heart and never relinquished it. An unofficial, primitive form of plein air painting (meaning “open air”, to paint outside instead of in a studio) also came when painters would sometimes paint the landscapes they viewed before them (the main difference being that they used calligraphy ink instead of plein air’s signature tubes of oil). This is when Buddhism began to flourish in the country, despite the initial imperial resistance. Its effects can be seen in alsdkfj Dong Yuan’s landscapes were more realistic than his predecessors’ by far thanks to his use of crosshatching and pointillism as shading techniques and better attention to perspective. Li Sixun Wang Wei Wu Tao-Tzu was a favorite of the emperors, often painting imperial life and figures. He preferred working in ink, and it was said that his paintings were so perfect

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