
The Tangent Book Summary

Decent Essays

In my book the rule of thought it was very interesting and It kept on making me more interested in what was going to happen next. It also kept me off my video games and my I pad. In this book there is a boy named Michael he is a tangent. A tangent is a person that takes over people's mind and inhabit the earth. In this case Michael has the Mind of a boy named Jackson Porter. As Michael is going around the apartment of the Porters he discovers that the parents left him a note saying they went to Porto Rico with his older sister. When Michael was done looking around the house he decided to go outside. As soon as he left the house two men named Kinto and Douglas come inside the apartment of the Porters and said that they were looking for a boy …show more content…

So then both Sarah and Michael catch up with her but she gets away. Both Michael and Sarah wondered how agent Weber had found their hiding spot. Later Michael and Sarah both go into a game called Curious ways to die and find Bryson their. After that Michael, Bryson and Sarah are all sucked into a plane and outside the sky was pitch black. Then all the characters meat Kaine and Kaine says that he needs help . Kaine said that he needed more human bodies so that their would be more tangents in the world. After that he said if they do not help him Sarah’s parents will die. Next Kaine told them to deside before he used the Killsim on them. But the kill sims never there thanks to Bryson with the Wave. Then Bryson tells them that he is not the one who did it and Bryson heard a voice that said you have friends among the tangents. Then the cops found the three of them and said that they are under arrest for murder,kidnapping. As they were being brought in they escaped. After that they desided to go Atlanta and to Vns headquarters where they would find agent …show more content…

Once they landed they went to go talk to her and she said that she wanted to help them catch Kaine. Michael had finally got into where Kaine was putting all the kill sims and put them into all the Virtnet games. Then Michael got his friends and changed the code. Making the army’s crash into one another.Then two creatures started to charge toward each other after that agent Weber woke Michael out of the dream. After that Sarah found Kaine and his central coding was in Life blood deep. Then the three of them had to through a painful process called squeezing Lifeblood. Later the equipped a machine named Lance a creation of agent Weber which they would have to put into Kaines central coding. When they entered Lifeblood deep they saw how nice it was but it had such small security they had located Kaines central programming. When they arrived their people came up to them. Then Gabriella called Michael and she was caught by one of the cops. After that Michael was taken by people and thrown into a back of truck. When Michael had woken up he found out that he was in a cell with Sarah and

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