
The Teaching Of Native American History And The Colonization Of America

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The teaching of Native American history and the colonization of America is often misconstrued, with the complete, and “actual”, story almost always being concealed behind the bare minimum of historical evidence. For a country more concerned with impartialness now than ever, the truth about past relations with Native Americans should be a key component in the education of students across the nation. The realization and acceptance of this nation’s disreputable past involving indigenous people, though threatening a US legacy that most people believe in, will provide an essential and clear understanding that could lead to future equality and peace.
Changing the way Native American history is taught in mainstream education is not an elaborate or complex addition that would be a hindrance. In reality, as a start, changing the way a few common lessons are taught would bring light to the situation. In particular, since 1937 the United States has celebrated “Columbus day”. Recently, some states are changing the holiday from “Columbus”, a man who accidentally found himself in the North America while thinking the entire time he was in India, to “Indigenous people’s day”. Changing the name of this day means profoundly changing the meaning. Diana King, who teaches at Waubun High School in Minnesota says she sees Columbus day as, “an opportunity to focus on the power of survival.” Columbus/Indigenous people’s day should be a day of remorse and reverence. Remorse for the millions of

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