
The Team Leadership Exchange Theory

Decent Essays


Group 10: Abhishek Chourasia (PGP28236) || Marco Vilardo (iep15022) || Sayan Das (pgp29307) || Sudheer Tatikonda (pgp29202) ||Bharat Abhishek (iep15024) ||

Prof. Shailendra Singh
Talking about leadership, all the major theories in this field point the attention tend on specific and peculiar characteristics owned by one person who has the capacity to lead a group of people to achieve a specific goal. So that, the researchers are concentered on defining what are the personal element and competences which let a person to succeed as leader without considering aspects related instead to the role of the followers and type and degree of relation necessary to reach the goal as a team.
Considering as …show more content…

The first research on this theory started analyzing the dyadic relationship between leader and follower. G. Graen (1975) pointed the attention on the difference between superior developed leadership exchange and only supervision relationship. The first characterized by leadership style which influence people without authority differently by the second one. In particular Graen highlights as key elements of the leader was the capacity to overcome the basic nature of the role, building with collaborators an exchange relationship upon the formal employment contract. This new relation form underline however a great level of availability of the leader, who has to leave part of power control, starting a sort of negotiation with his/her collaborators, allowing them to participate in decision making through the information exchange. Graen, Dansereau and Haga (1975) showed as the dyadic approach produce a high level of commitment and performance among employees, underling at the same time as the superior can reach this level of empathy and trust only with a part of their collaborators, which are defined in-group differently by the other one called out-group. Grean and Scandura (1987) clarify as a dyadic organization is a model composed by three phases:
• Role taking: member receives role in the organization – introduction phase where superior evaluate member performance, using feedback, deciding whether to change role to him/her - in this phase the superior obtain more

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