
The, The And Non Religious

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Whether your religious or non-religious, this passage has proven throughout history, how our environment, beginning with our parents, shapes our identity influencing the many decisions we make in life. Often question of what shapes the personality of a person comes to play. Is it genes that shapes a person’s personality? Are personalities formed through hereditary traits? Is the environment we live in a primary source of our personality? In “Desire’s Baby” we see a loving relationship quickly turn sour through discovery on innocence, with anger soon becoming a revelation of shame. In “Passing of Grandison”, the drive of the young protagonist, only for his own gain, is accomplished in an unexpected way as the true picture is hidden …show more content…

In the end, its revealed, as part of an old letter between his parents, that Armand mother belonged to the race he despised so much. As the conclusion of his mother writes, “But, above all, night and day, I thank the good God for having so arranged our lives that our dear Armand will never know that his mother, who adores him, belongs to the race that is cursed with the brand of slavery.” “The Passing of Grandison” follows Dick Owens and his slave, Grandison, as they travel north. To prove he is capable of heroic deeds to win the affection of Charity Lomax, Dick decided to take one of his father’s, Colonel Owens, slaves and set him free. His plan is thwarted when placed with his father’s most trusted slave, Grandison. Being extremely loyal to the
Colonel, we see the resiliency of Grandison as Dick brings suggestions of freedom,
"Grandison," said Dick one morning, after finishing his toilet, "this is the chance of your life to go around among your own people and see how they live. Have you met any of them?" "Yas, suh, I 's seen some of 'em. But I don ' keer nuffin fer 'em, suh, Dey 're diffe 'nt f 'm de niggers down ou ' way. Dey 'lows dey 're free, but dey ain ' got sense 'nuff ter know dey ain ' half as well off as dey would be down Souf, whar dey 'd be 'preciated. Soon enough, after the

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