
The Theme Of Neologism In Lewis Carroll's 'Jabberwocky'

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As a society, it is seen as important to be pure of actions and mind, a way of life strongly sponsored by the ideas of Judeo-Christian culture. Aiming to commit mostly pure actions in life when people are watching, this desire to appear pure is shoved to the side when alone or in a survival situation. Nature provides a place to be alone and can endanger our state of life to some extent, so when members of society are separated from society as a whole in nature, they are more likely to commit actions such as the murder of animals with the justification of survival in mind. Lewis Carroll understood this idea, which he used as an inspiration for writing his poem “ Jabberwocky”. In order to portray the theme of man vs nature in his poem “Jabberwocky”, Carroll utilizes tone, neologisms, and repetition to further the idea that nature can distort the ideas of humanity to the point of committing foul actions but is not affected by such actions.
Throughout this poem, the tone is used often to create an atmosphere of mystery in the poem. Like nature itself, the idea of the Jabberwocky is mysterious and malevolent, which Carroll uses to represent the darkest intentions of humanity itself. With having this dark, mysterious tone, Carroll utilizes words such as “vorpal”, “uffish”, and”tulgey” to create a sense of entrapment for the speaker by using harsh sounds. Representing the attack that nature imposes on those that stray into its area, Carroll uses these harsh words to show how

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