
The Theme Of Paranoia In Nadine Gordimer's Once Upon A Time

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Beyond the elements of any story, there is always a reevaluation about life or central characters. Theme always includes a statement upon the notation of abstract qualities through the embodiment of the writer. As presented in “Once Upon a Time,” the central insight to the plot suffices to the crude development of the character who overcompensates the emotion of paranoia, executed by the natural dangers of the “outside world.” Author Nadine Gordimer generalizes the concept of the psychosis based on the parallelism between the fear of the character to the fear of the mother in her dream. Notably, she illustrates the gruesome reality of human nature, that she echoes the subconscious mind to her “bedtime story.”
Granted under the idea of theme, the escapades of “Once Upon a Time” adds on to the primary purpose of distressed emotion. Gordimer unifies the human nature of fear to her story based on the personal experience of herself at home. For instance, “..I was reading every faintest sound, identifying and classifying its possible threat” (Gordimer 231). With this in mind, we can correlate to the theme of society countervailing the excessive obsession of pessimism. As a result, she attentively entices the audience through her vision of a practical “utopian” civilization. Exclaiming, “There were riots, but these were outside the city where people of another color were quartered. These people were not allowed in the suburb….” (Gordimer 232). For this reason, we can infer all her

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