
The Theme is Developed in Poems, Forgetfulness, by Hart Crane and Billy Collins

Decent Essays

Forgetfulness can be seen in many different lights; it can be seen a bad thing, or a good thing. In the poem “Forgetfulness” by Hart Crane, the speaker utilizes similes and metaphors to convey ideas about forgetfulness in order to develop the theme; in the poem by Billy Collins with the same name, the speaker utilizes personification and irony to convey ideas about forgetfulness to develop the theme.
In the poem “Forgetfulness” by Hart Crane, the speaker uses similes and metaphors to convey ideas about forgetfulness to develop the theme. The speaker uses these literary devices to convey his ideas about the theme: Forgetfulness is being lost, and having no idea where to go. The author uses many similes to get this idea across, such as, …show more content…

Hart Crane utilizes similes in metaphors in “Forgetfulness” to convey the the theme that being forgetful is to be lost.
In the poem “Forgetfulness” by Billy Collins, the speaker conveys ideas about theme with the use of personification and irony. In doing so, the speaker conveys his ideas about the theme: Forgetfulness is a part of life. In the poem, the speaker uses personification to poke fun at the fact that everyone forgets, for example, “Long ago you kissed the names of the nine Muses goodbye / 
and watched the quadratic equation pack its bag” (Collins 9-10). In this example, the speaker is using personification to present the idea of forgetfulness; The speaker is saying that the reader is forgetting the quadratic equation, which is something that most people learn during school. The author also uses irony in the text to present the idea that everyone experiences forgetfulness. Collins uses situational irony in his poem to convey his ideas, for example, “It has floated away down a dark mythological river
whose name begins with an L as far as you can recall” (Collins 17-18). This is an example of irony because the mythological river the author is talking about is the River Lethe (Lethe). This river causes forgetfulness, as explained by Princeton professors, “In Greek mythology, Lethe was one of the five rivers of Hades. Also known as the Ameles potamos (river of unmindfulness), the Lethe flowed around the cave of Hypnos

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