
The Theory Of Law Enforcement Essay

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Law enforcement reports were filed but the parent of the intended victim declined to press charges. Kaitlyn was initially suspended pending and recommended for expulsion. A manifestation determination review (“MDR”) ARD was conducted on October 20, 2016. The October 20, 2016 MDR ARD committee considered Kaitlyn’s eligibility as a student with a specific learning disability in reading and math, the numerous student witness statements, victim statements, Kaitlyn’s statements, teacher’s statements, the size and sharp nature of the scissors, the definition of a weapon at 18 U.S.C. 930, the input from the ARD committee members including Ms. Delacroix, Kaitlyn’s conduct in school, prior disciplinary incidents, and all relevant documents in the District’s possession. The ARD committee determined that Kaitlyn’s behavior was a result of her disability due to a lack of sufficient evaluation for behavior. The District provided Ms. Delacroix with an notice of assessment and request for consent for assessment seeking permission to conduct assessments in all areas of suspected disability including emotional/behavioral, sociological, intellectual/adaptive behavior, language, physical, and educational learning competencies/academic performance. Ms. Delacroix has not provided effective consent for the District to conduct the assessments but has made unnecessary demands regarding the assessment process. To date, Ms. Delacroix has yet to provide effective consent for the reevaluation.

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