
The Theory Of Moral Development

Decent Essays

Lawrence Kohlberg developed the theory of moral development. The theory of moral development “stemmed from Jean Piaget’s theory of moral reasoning.” This theory was a study which led to a better understanding of morality. This theory proved that morality started in early childhood years and had many factors which affected the outcome of the child’s perception of morality. Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory consisted of 3 levels and which each had 2 stages in them. The first level consists of preconventional morality, which can be divided into the 2 stages of obedience and relativism. The first stage, obedience, consisted of the children’s reasoning behind why they obey and do not disobey. One way of looking at it is adults obey laws set before us …show more content…

An example is deciding whether abortion is morally right if the parents could not properly take care of the child. The second stage consists of moral reason using ethical principles. This means someone debating whether something is morally right even if it is against the law. An example of this is someone using medical marijuana because it is the only thing that helps their pain, even though it is illegal in their state or country. All these stages were developed to further the study of early childhood development. “Kohlberg expanded on Piaget’s two stages, identifying six stages of moral development.” Kohlberg’s studies helped to further our understanding of children’s moral development. Erik Erikson developed a theory or model known as Erikson’s Psychosocial Model. “Erikson’s Psychosocial Model involves 8 stages of human development across the lifespan.” The first stage, hope, talks about a baby’s needs and how their trust or distrust will be developed based on their parent’s dedication of care. For example, if a baby was crying because it needed milk and the mother did not respond properly, could cause a distrust between the baby and the mother. This stage happens from birth to age 1. The second stage, will, consists of a child having the freedom to do things on their own and learn from their mistakes. For example, if a mother does not let their child play sports or try new foods,

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