Kellie and Gregg had been living on the third floor of an old house in Shanghai. Before moving in Kellie had expectations of becoming close friends with the multiple neighbors who lived on the floors below. Once moved in, she realized that the neighbors did not have the same optimism and would not even say hello.
Kellie did not give up on her quest to make friends with her neighbors and eventually made a little progress with a couple of them. After a few months, upon returning from vacation, one of the mom’s from second floor helped her carry her bags upstairs. Wanting to thank the mom for her help, she took them a plate of brownies. After hastily placing one on grandpa’s plate, she remembered that the Chinese were not big on sweets.
One evening, Gregg told Kellie that he saw the neighbors crying. Kellie decided to call the cleaning lady that she was sure would know why they were crying. The cleaning lady told her, “The old man isn’t there anymore.” Not really knowing her neighbors, or which room they actually lived in, she assumed it was an old man to whom she had given the brownie.
Since they had exchanged some pleasantries, Kellie decided that it would be a proper gesture to take the family some flowers. Innocently she chose some red roses. Upon delivering the flowers she was embarrassed to learn that white was the color for death in the Chinese culture. Despite her error in color, the family kept insisting that she come to the funeral. From what she knew of the
As he stepped in front of her he asked the maid if he can see a woman named miss ellen, and he asked her in the same way he practiced saying it at home. The wind was pushing so strongly into his face that he thought he went deaf for a brief moment. The maid answered saying, “ Dont know if she's at home”. As she said that he was trying to convince her that she needed to see him and that she would regret not seeing him.
A family is going to Florida for a family vacation but the grandmother refuses to go instead she want to go to Tennessee to visit her friends. The grandmother trying to convince Bailey not to go to Florida by mentioning The Misfit, the prisoner who escaped the federal penitentiary and headed towards Florida but the family did not listen to her. The next morning the family including the grandmother with the cat under her seat started driving to Florida. They stopped by at the restaurant called “The Tower” for barbecue where the owner is Red Sammy Butt. While the family is eating, Red Sammy and the grandmother talk about how “A good man is hard to find” and no one can be trusted these days. They get back to the car and take
And as a new year rolls on in January, Mrs bigio makes hot chocolate for all the kids to say that she was sorry for the way she acted. She had one tray of hot chocolate for everyone in Mrs Baker’s class. So Mrs Bigio was going down all the isles giving every single student a cup of hot chocolate, except… when she gets to Mai Thi she just looked at her. “Mai Thi didn't even reach for the hot chocolate when Mrs Bigio came beside her, Mrs bigio didn't even pause. She finished the rest of the isles and had one cup left steaming from her tray”. The only reason she did that is to make Mai Thi feel bad for
Williams lives in a home and doesn’t have noisy neighbors. Williams’s apartment has several academic books that look like a library and doesn’t have decorations, especially vases, flowers, and pictures. His condominium is quiet and comfortable. On the contrary, Jamal lives in a small apartment that has noisy neighbors and many distractions from his family. For example, when his neighbors have parties, they play loud music. Also, while he is doing his homework, his mother and brother are calling him whenever they need something. Despite Williams’s home, it doesn’t have any academic books, but it has several decorations such as pictures and vases. Jamal’s home isn’t quiet nor is it comfortable. Although Williams and Jamal have different living situations, they don’t allow their background to affect their friendship.
In the article, “The Old Man Isn’t There Anymore, Kellie Schmitt explains throughout her experiences within a Shanghai apartment while trying to befriend her neighbors. As she explains these experiences, she soon has the wake-up call she was not expecting. As she goes on a trip to America then comes back, she finally gets the involvement she wanted, but perhaps not in the way she intended to. Knowing where Schmitt is coming from on a personal level, helps me understand why she wanted to get along with her neighbors so badly. Being put into situations that are not what I thought they originally were, is not always a bad thing.
One year later they moved to a smaller two bedroom home, Samantha had moved out a while ago so this would be perfect for their 3 people family. The funny thing is that the house was about 3 blocks down from the house they were moving from. So thankfully they didn’t have to worry about Vivian making friends in a new place. Michelle was so happy this would be the first house she ever owned, before she just rented, but they were ready for a
“I grew up there, thought I’d spend my entire life calling that city ‘Home.’ But it didn’t workout that way. I learned to love it here too,” Dustin told his neighbour’s grandkids, remembering the horrific event that tore him away from his home and ended his career. His neighbour, Sally, and her family were the only people who accepted Dustin; they shared something in common, the disaster. Sally lost her husband in the tragedy that destroyed Dustin’s once handsome face.
The others had all dashed away to the woods but there was still Lennie, who couldn’t find a good hiding place to stay in. He finally heard George say “come out, come out, wherever you are!” Lennie panicked until he saw a brown, beat up, little shack in the corner of his eye and began to flee to the direction of it. To Lennie’s luck, there was no presence of life in the room. He slightly peeked in, looking into the dark-filled room. As Lennie opened the door, it made a big “screeching sound” and heard George call “who’s there?” He quickly went inside and closed the door, falling onto his knees. Lennie had always been scared of the dark. Especially when no one was there. The room began to smell like burned bark with mold going across the room. Lennie had to squat down in order to fit perfectly without touching anything that would drop and him give up his hiding spot. There was no noise made now. The light visible through the crack in the roof began to fade. The sound of a whisper now seemed like a scream. After the countless hours staying inside the shack, his neck began to cramp up and no one seemed to notice that he was in this small house. He wanted someone to notice him in this beat-up shack. Lennie scrutinized if he should just sneak out of the shack and be better off with the other kids rather than be left alone in the dark, spooky house. He also wondered if all the other kids were tagged and captured and he was left alone to be
When forced out of their comfort zone, an individual’s will to learn can result in a change of perceptions and attitudes over time. Winton’s short story begins as a young couple move into a street that is ‘full of European migrants’. Winton applies a simile to express how this ‘made the newly-weds feel like sojourners in a foreign land’. The young couple had been were not used to the behaviour of their new neighbours and the limited space between their houses as they had previously lived in the ‘expansive outer suburbs’ with neighbours that were ‘seldom seen and never heard’. The repetition of the seasons; ‘autumn merged into winter’ and ‘by late summer’ symbolises the length of time the couple take to become familiar with their new neighbours and accept and embrace their cultural differences. When the neighbours found out the young woman was pregnant, they showered her with compliments and presents making her feel ‘flattered, claustrophobic, grateful, peeved’. Through this oxymoron, the hormonal impact of the pregnancy is illuminated and her previous, solely negative attitudes have altered towards her new neighbours as these acts of kindness have overwhelmed her and she sees they’re just trying to help. Therefore,
Piedad removed the duck and told Deyonnah to, “Finish your snack first.” Deyonnah went back to the snack table and sat down. Deyonnah got up and Ms. Piedad redirected her back to the table to clean up. Deyonnah flopped to the ground, “Bye everybody, bye, bye” she cried. The telephone rang and Ms. Piedad went to answer it. Deyonnah got up and began to climb up the cubby to get the popcorn. Ms. Chantel went to the cubby and removed the popcorn. Deyonnah hit Ms. Chantel and cried, “Why you crying?” Ms. Chantel told her, “Its ok, don’t cry. I’ll give you a napkin.” Ms. Chantel placed the napkin on the table and gave Deyonnah more popcorn. Deyonnah ate a handful then got up, ran to the carpet area and ran in circles around the stool. She then went back to the table and ate a few more pieces of popcorn, then ran back to the stool and ran in circles. Ms. Piedad prompted Deyonnah to go back to the table and helped her throw her stuff away. Deyonnah then grabbed the toys from the table, ran to the cabinet and got the whisper phone then went back to the table and began to eat her classmate’s popcorn. When her classmate returned to the table Deyonnah ran back to the carpet area and ran in
Williams lives in a large apartment that doesn’t have noisy neighbors. Williams’s apartment has several Academic books, looks like a library, and doesn’t have decorations, such as vases, flowers, and pictures. His apartment is quiet and comfortable. In contrast, Jamal lives in a little apartment that has noisy neighbors and many distractions from his family. Unlike Williams’s apartment, it doesn’t have any Academic books, but it has several decorations. Jamal’s apartment isn’t quiet nor is it comfortable. Whenever he must do his homework, his mother or brother calls him every time she or he needs or wants something. Although Williams and Jamal have different living situations, they don’t allow their background to affect their friendship.
Is there any coffee left?” Ernest asked, holding up his cup. “Sure,” Don said and filled it. “I don’t know if you knew it, but once Butch healed, he was the sweetest dog, I have ever seen. He lived in our home for years until we gave him to my nephew for his son.” Ernest smiled and said, “I never knew that. It was funny at the time you scared the hell out of me when you told me you gave no one discounts. If anybody asked for one that you charged them double.” “I remember the expression on your face was priceless.” “It surprised me when you told me, your name was Don and to never call you doctor again.” Ernest said, "It sure didn’t take you long to decide you wanted the sick animals, and I could have the healthy ones until we found homes for them. Was that your original plan?” “Oh, no, when I saw you with the injured dog, I knew at once, we could work together, and the stories around town about you were bullshit,” he said, as the phone rang. “Dr. Kelley, my I help you,” answering the phone, he said. “What’s wrong with Fluffy today?” “Sure, I’ll come by after work. It will not be necessary to bring Fluffy to the
Through Raymond Carver’s minimalist styled writing, comes “Neighbors,” a story about a seemingly ordinary couple who live dreary and plain lives. In the first few paragraphs we have a detailed description of the type of people, the relationship, and occupations Bill and Arlene Miller have. Later on, the story begins to spark a more dark and mysterious conflict by unraveling the Miller’s strange obsessions. Carver uses third person objective point of view to add onto his technique of simplistic writing & to create a more intense mystery.
“Ca ding” the oven bell went off beth said “Jeffrey lunch is ready” Jeffery walked down the squeaky stairs into the kitchen. beth grabbed the oven mitts and pulled potatoes and green beans out, Jeffery said: “thank you, Beth, for this amazing feast”. Before they started to eat they had looked for Sparky their dog around their property. They found their answer the gate was open they both immediately knew that he must have run away.jeffery said “get in the car were going on a road trip”, he rushed inside and grabbed the car key he then tossed them to beth and she caught it, she put them in the hole and they had begun their journey. The car was going a solid 50 or 55 when they saw a man he was about 7 feet tall with brown ungroomed hair and very
Maureen and Mag are isolated because of their physical location and their relationship with each other. Maureen dreams of being free of her mother’s house and small town life in Leenane. She blames her mother and her sisters for her circumstances; however, she is faced with the hard truth that men don’t come to call. Farming towns like Leenane were previously communities built on supporting each other, but over time families grew more isolated from one and other, leaving people like Mag and Maureen without the help of friendly neighbours.