
The Three Major Aspects Of Industrialization From 1865 To 1920

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There are three major aspects of industrialization from 1865 to 1920 that influenced U.S. society, economy and politics. These are urbanization, working conditions and laissez-faire government. Urbanization created cities who offered large numbers of workers for new factories. In turn, more factories were built. Workers, both native born and immigrants, moved to cities looking for jobs. Industrialism and post-industrialism let to a decline in patriarchy within the family because of the changes that were made to society.

The birth of the Industrial Revolution had one staggering advantage, even to the most distanced and skeptical farmer: a living could be made that was not subject to climate changes. Therefore, a man could actually be assured of regular, dependable wages. This did not, however, translate into a vast emigration of farmers to the new cities. An economy based upon agriculture is altogether distinct from an industrial one. The former is dependent upon the unpredictable elements of nature and the weather, the consequences of which could lead to ruin and famine. Indispensable to this growth and development were an unprecedented surge in immigration and urbanization after the Civil War. American society was in transition. The industrial revolution meant more money and wealth for the upper classes, especially the owners of large companies. It was thought that the wealth would be invested back into new factories, so the Americans accepted this wealth distribution.

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