Assignment 1.2: Research Paper Industrialization after the Civil War Shana Dukes History 105 Professor Tracey M. Biagas February 3. 2014 Introduction Industrialization after the Civil War was a period where Industrial city were being built, there were jobs for people and the political aspect was having corruption. In this paper the main points in this paper discussed the major aspects of the Industrialization Revolution, such as groups that were affected by the Industrial society, and the affects the life of the average working American. While the Industrial Revolution was a great turning point in the history of mankind, it led humanity to great technological advancements, middle and lower class, African American rights, …show more content…
The economic growth really helped people find jobs and make a way to live. The last aspect is political, the political aspect of the politics reflected to the business and not to the poor urban people or to the working class. The Federal, State, and local politicians gave land grants and government contracts to their friends and supporters for public works (Schultz, 2013). The political corruption was a big problem during the Industrialization because businessmen took their agendas to the politicians whom the businessmen exchanged for cash or stock to obtain a land grant, but with the exchanges that turned into a public scandal which became The Credit Mobilier Scandal (Schultz, 2013). The political aspect in the Industrialization era was a lot of scandal’s and a lot of bribing people of their money. Groups of the Industrial Revolution Three groups that were affected by the Industrialization were middle and lower class, African Americans, and women rights. Middle and lower class workers were affected by Industrialization because the growth of the middle class had expanded, and professional employment had increased, but the lower class was the victims of the industrialization because the assembly line took a lot of the jobs of a lot of workers (Gilder Lehrman Institute, 2009). Another example of the middle and lower class is Union labor groups defend workers because employers just viewed workers as cost of production then regular individuals. That’s when the
Since industrialization, there have been many more jobs offered to people such as factory workers, managers and business owners. There was a big obvious difference between the working class and the higher class since the working class had difficult and dangerous jobs. Obviously since there was more work and more factories, more and more companies were competing with each other and becoming rivals. And our great
Industrialization was an important era where the economy started to develop new machines, factories, and more labor productivity. A time where hand made objects were being replaced by assembly lines and machines. This era started to develop a lot of labor productivity, this made the population increase and made immigrants come from all over the world to work for very long hours and gain very little. This development caused monopolies to be created and take control over labor. It benefited the monopolies because they were gaining a lot of money by their businesses but for the workers it was a disaster because their income wasn't enough to support a whole family. During these time of the era is when child labor began increasing because they had
The author brings into cognizance the effects of the industrial revolution on the civil war in America. The Industrial Revolution in the 1800’s had a major impact on the Civil War and by using the lessons learned through the revolution the United States was able to continue to increase its industrial potential and become the leading producer in the world in the early 1900’s. The history of United States development could never have happened if it was not from the industrialization of the country. The country was able to innovate and create new manufacturing methods and became the leader in manufacturing. The advent of different kinds of transport also aided in growth. The import and export of core minerals was made possible though transportation and industrial revolution. The lives of the American charged dramatically after the revolution as new channels of work emerged. The invention of the steam engine made it possible for factors to migrate and travel .this enabled the shift of skill and mobility of invention to happen.
While some argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because it made the economy flourish, it was actually a harmful outcome for the society. Industrialization’s negative effects include child labor, working conditions, and living conditions. Industrialization's negative impacts incorporate child labor, working conditions, and living conditions. During this time period, industry owners were
While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of better transportation, better housing conditions, less disease, electricity, and new better products, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were child labor, many deaths, diseases, missing limbs from machines, the machines were not designed for kids to work with, dynamite or explosive warfare, big business cartels, deformations, corrupt businesses, less family time, pollution, and poor working conditions.
Industrialization and urbanization that happened in America after the civil war, is a good manifestation that the country was moving along the right path. After the war, progress in terms of investments, industrialization and urbanization was inevitable. After the civil war in America, people from the south who had been displaced and the people who were free could now move to the west to work in the cattle drives, fight the Indians and also begin a new life as farmers. Social Darwinism philosophy was adopted, and everyone believed that the poor had the right to be rich. The paper will focus on the right path that the country followed in the feudalism period between 1865 and 1914 when the country became a feudal society based on the capital and not on the land.
Capitalists shaped the post-Civil War American industry, and were perceived as either admirable industrial leaders or corrupt robbers of the poor. The capitalists and wealthy manufacturers looked highly of themselves, to create an image of generosity and helping the people. However, the poorer farmers and workers reflected on poverty as a cause of the capitalists and trusts keeping all the wealth, and manipulating the industry for personal gain. As mechanization allowed the wealthy men like John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J P Morgan, and Cornelius Vanderbilt to become richer and dominate over the large population of America. Their domination over the working class became domination over the economy of the entire country, and
America is the great exception where people can be born of humble origins and rise to the top to become the next Abraham Lincoln (Pettengill). However, in the Early Republic things began to change and industrialization created a huge gap between the rich and the poor and made it hard to rise to the top. Industrialization changed America from an agricultural country to one based on manufacturing goods and services. This change created advancement and expansion for the nation as a whole. Industrialization was very helpful to the economy but was an impediment for the working class, like Sam Patch. In the book, Sam Patch by Paul E. Johnson, it is evident how industrialization restricted the freedom of the working-class and increased the great divide between the rich and the poor.
Before the civil war there were different remarkable diversities between the Northern and southern states in terms of population tally, occupational occasions, income potential and many other business classes and also financial classes, including production choices, and sociopolitical.
Industrialization of the Young Nation Everything changed for America once Industrialization during the 1800’s was set in motion. The Industrialization during the 1800’s was a major turning point in America’s history. The events that took place in the 1800’s still effect us today. Industrialization influenced the U.S.’s economy.
The United States is widely recognized for its exponential growth in regards to population, economic and political. The industrialization period had various affirmative impacts on the American society but it also had some adverse effects on the population. Most significantly, slave trade emerged during this period which led to the oppression of the African Americans who bore the majority of the burden of progress that was experienced . The American Civil War in United States happened from 1861 to 1865 which was provoked by the existing controversy surrounding the state’s rights and slavery . Owing to this alluded facts, this expose seeks to establish a critical analysis on the impacts of industrialization
I believe the Industrial Revolution post civil war needed to happen. I believe the US needed to catch up to other countries such as England who had their Industrial Revolution in the 1700s. The advances the US made in this time were great. It opened up more jobs, easier travel, which made it easier to buy and sell in distance. The city became a place for people who didn’t want to make a living farming.
Have you ever wondered how American society has come to be how it is today? Would you like to know how one time period formed the United States in which we know today? Industrialization, the development of industries throughout a particular area, is the one time period in which American society has been impacted the most. Many may even say that industrialization has made what the United States is what it is today. Despite this, there are many negative impacts industrialization has brought upon American society. The three major impacts that industrialization has made pertain to its impact on social classes, where there came to be a much larger gap between the upper and working classes, an increase in urbanization, which lead to many problems of its own, which spanned to overpopulation as well as immigration, and lastly, the impact it had on women, which overall determined what kind of position they had within American society.
Industrialization posed significant threats towards children and women, the owners realized that the cheaper workforce are the women and children, this made the child labor to flourish at that time. As a result the wealth was unevenly distributed, the working class lived in poverty while the bosses and capitalists that belong to middle class grew
It is from The Journal of Economic History published by Cambridge University Press. This paper is developed based on the description and discussion of the society and human live during the Industrial Revolution (Nef, J., 1943). It can be used to analyzed the social effects of the Industrial Revolution and provides many practical evidences. The materials the paper used to analyze the effects and conditions of the Industrial Revolution were various and comprehensive. So it is objective. Based on the origin and content the paper is also