
The Three Major Schools Of Thought In International Relations

Decent Essays

1. Describe how the three major schools of thought in International Relations (realists, liberals, and constructivists) see universal human rights. In what way do these schools of thought differ? In what ways are they the same? In International Relations, there are three major schools of thought realists, liberals, and constructivists. On one end of the spectrum there is the realists school of thought and on the opposite end is the liberal school of thought while the constructivists school of thought lies in the middle. While there are three distinct schools of thought it is not uncommon for people to believe in different parts of different schools. The realist school of thought holds the belief that the diplomacy of human rights is just talk and they will only be put in place if they are in the best interest of the state. The assumption of universal morality is seen as being used to hide pursuits that are actually selfish in interest, this is where they use the term polite fiction. Polite fiction is when the state says they care but they really don’t care. While they aren’t against human rights they believe that state stability and order are more important. Overall, realists see states as doing what they want and that rights don’t actually have a lot of weight. The second major school of thought is the liberal school of thought. This school believe that in international relations human rights are important and the fact that the United Nations which is a global human

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