
The Time Machine Essay

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The main characters in The Time Machine were The Time Traveler, Weena (an Eloi who

The Time Traveler rescued), the Eloi as a race and the Morlocks as a race. Now that

you know the main characters, I will explain their purpose in the novel and their

behaviors. Weena was by far the most interesting character in the novel. She was an

Eloi who was drowning while trying to bathe in a river. The Time Traveler quickly

jumped into the river and rescued her. Weena then started following The Time Traveler

everywhere during his explorations. He learned about the Eloi people and their language

and the Morlocks from Weena. The Time Traveler was definitely intelligent. He figured

out a way to travel through time! He was also a very charming, …show more content…

He builds a Time Machine and travels forward in time. When The Time Traveler

arrives at his destination, 8 million years later, he discovers that the world is not

futuristic at all, but rather primitive! The Time Traveler explores this new world and

finds that there are two primitive species, the Eloi and the Morlocks, which seem to be

descendents of humans. The oddest thing about the Morlocks is that they cannot leave

their Underworld in daylight, because the light will blind them. This is why the Eloi stay

inside during the night and the Morlocks come out. During the Time Traveler's

exploration, his Time Machine was stolen. When The Time Traveler noticed his missing

machine he

began to go crazy. There were a million thoughts going through his head, the most

prominent one being: the machine is gone or destroyed and he will have to spend the

remnants of his life there. After this unfortunate event The Time Traveler spent most of

his time exploring; at one point he went into the underworld-stupid move. He soon

found that he was surrounded by Morlocks, so he lit a match. The light from the match

scared the Morlocks away, then he made an escape back to the surface. At this point,

the Time Traveler, to his dismay, realized that the Morlocks were not as nice as the

Eloi. In fact, the Morlocks had stolen his Time Machine. One day, exploring with Weena,

The Time Traveler came across what seemed to be a museum. The museum was full of

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