
The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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The first tragic story created in ancient Greece. Tragedies were written as a form of catharsis or purgation of emotions. In these types of plays, the audience finds characters in which they can relate to which is a tragic hero. The tragic hero creates his own failures based upon their own actions and produces a detrimental fate for himself. The process of the protagonist’s fall is based upon the tragic structure. The structure of a tragedy consists of the exposition, exciting force, hamartia, the crisis, tragic force, moment of final suspense, the catastrophe and glimpse of restored order. Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth is in the form of the tragic structure. The Tragedy of Macbeth causes readers to debate over what the true crisis of the story is. In The Tragedy of Macbeth, William Shakespeare builds the majority of the play with hamartia, the crisis and the events to follow the turning point.
Hamartia is the decisions or actions that the tragic hero makes based upon his flaws. In The Tragedy of Macbeth, Macbeth makes a series of decisions that will impact his fate in the future. The first point of hamartia for Macbeth is when he makes the choice to kill Duncan: “I am settled, and bend up/ Each corporal agent to this terrible feat” (1.7.79-80). Ambition, perhaps not a flaw on its own, becomes a fatal blow when fueled Macbeth’s Lady Macbeth. Revealing another weakness as Macbeth is easily inclined by others opinions. Macbeth’s decision to kill Duncan was affected by

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