
The Tragedy Of The Great Wars

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“I’ll put another pot of water on the stove,” Nora said as she got up and scurried off to the kitchen. “Thank you, sweetheart,” responded the old woman as she watched her granddaughter slip away. She then waited for her great granddaughter to come back into the room before resuming. “Now, when I was young there was only what would have been considered a handful of us left in existence… the human populace, that is. Oh, I don’t know what the numbers were exactly, but I would say the human population was around thirty-five million worldwide, give or take a few. That number was better than what it had been, of course… Back around 2030 at the time of the conclusion of the great wars it was next to nothing. And, if I recall correctly, it …show more content…

Those opinions, however, were dead wrong. “But, that’s not to say that they didn’t get some things right, however. They seemed to have been accurate in the fact that once the world lost its great cities to I.C.B.M.s, the land at ground zero of those cataclysmic detonations along with the surrounding territories for a hundred miles still hasn’t been inhabitable to this very day. And most likely will remain uninhabitable for many more days to come. “But, the main lands, places like here in Wyoming and the countryside of most of Canada and Russia, had seemed to dodged the wrath of fire and brimstone, which had rained down upon the metropolitans, keeping them generally safe and able to sustain life. “As the years ticked off, the volunteers, along with those of us who had remained out of pods, then did our part to help clean up the planet—not that we had any choice in the matter—and we repaid our debts to Mother Earth with our lives and our health in doing so. “But, we progressed, and even multiplied despite the odds. We eventually turned the tide and cleaned up the air and the water, got the soil to sustain crops once again, and we even began to make babies a new, lots of them. I myself was one of those early babies to come about in the years after the great wars. “You know… they say a long time ago, that after the second great war, there was a generation referred to as the baby boomers. That the men who had fought in the war had

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