
The Treatment Of Bulimia Nervosa

Better Essays

Author: Haley McDaniel, Pharm.D. Candidate

Date Answered: November 2, 2015

47. Should topiramate be considered for the treatment of bulimia nervosa?

Answer: The drug Topiramate is a sulfamate-substituted derivative from the monosaccharide D-fructose that is known for its anticonvulsant and antimigraine actions.1 Therefore, it is helpful for patients with seizures and migranes. Epilepsy is a specific example of what this drug is used to treat. Topiramate is different from other antiepileptic drugs because it is thought to block the spreading of seizures instead of lowering the threshold like other antiepilepsy drugs. 2 Although the exact mechanism that Topirmate cannot be identified, it is currently being observed from biochemical studies. Scientist have observed that the drug blocks voltage-dependent sodium channels, augments the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid, antagonizes the AMPA/kainite subtype of glutamate receptor, and inhibits carbonic anhydrase. 1 Should this medicine be used to treat bulimia nervosa? Bulima nervousa is a disease that causes patients to engulf large amounts of food in a short amount of time, which then causes them to take action by purging or taking laxitives to get rid of the large sum of food they consumed. 3
There was a study that used a randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial, to test if Topiramate had an effect on the behavior, body weight, and quality of life related to health in patients suffering from

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