
The Treatment Of The Transplant

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Imagine being told you will never be able to have a child. For many women this is the case. Nearly 4500 newborn girls are born with ovaries, but no uterus. This can be very detrimental news for any women with hopes of eventually having a family. Eventually, women with this syndrome, will never have to hear that they are incapable of having a child of their own. Doctors from the Cleveland Clinic hospital in Weston, Florida are working to be the first in the United States to successfully transplant a uterus from a donor to a live women. The transplanted uterus will be taken from organ donors, as the surgery is too vigorous for a live person, though it has been done in Sweden. The uterus of a donor can survive up to eight hours outside of the body if it is kept cold. The eligible recipients of the transplant are women who are born without a uterus, had it removed or have uterine damage.
The transplant recipient is only allowed up to two pregnancies with the transplanted uterus for medical reasons. After two births the recipient may choose to either have the uterus extracted or quit taking the anti-rejection drugs to let the uterus extract itself. There are many procedures that have to be done before the recipient is eligible for the transplant. They will have to go through extensive screenings and tests to ensure they are in a stable relationship and to also prove that they are not being forced to have the surgery. The recipient must also be stable financially, as the

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