
Robert Pickton View Of Violence

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A society that presumes a norm of violence and celebrates aggression, whether in the subway, on the football field, or in the conduct of its business, cannot help making celebrities of the people who would destroy it, (Lapham, 1985). Unfortunately, such acts of rampage have become a prevalent factor in the Canadian culture. As a result of endless media coverage, Canadians now are constantly bombarded with countless images of violence. Many of which often portray a victim avenging their opponent by force. Thus, indoctrinating individuals to believe that it is only through aggression that problems are resolved. Rather than being punished for acts of violence, those who commit such offenses are often praised for their “heroism”. In addition, …show more content…

In determining, Robert Pickton's mental capacity during his crimes, his defense attorneys argued that he possessed a limited intelligence. This statement would differ from the prosecutions position, as they believed his IQ surpassed that of mental retardation. In all actuality, Pickton had spent many years in special education and only managed to finish parts of high school. Thus, affirming that he was by no means a wise man. However, without any kind of strong formal education, the simple-minded pig farmer was able avoid arrest, for one of Canada’s largest killing sprees to date. This is largely because Pickton's choice of victims, as well as the Vancouver police departments reluctance to investigate, aided in concealing his identity. Contrary to public belief, the behavior illustrated by Robert Pickton was not eccentric or unheard of, as when placed with the profile of a serial killer, he is an identical match. His history of social isolation, drug use, and record of violent offenses, are further commonalities in which serial killers share. Similarly to most serial killers, Pickton choose his victims based on their vulnerability. By deciding to murder easily available prostitutes, Pickton was targeting people that were likely to be the forgotten members of society. This strategical method of crime

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