
The Triangle Factory Fire Scandal is a film that was initially released for TV in 1979 and later

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The Triangle Factory Fire Scandal is a film that was initially released for TV in 1979 and later released in 2006 on DVD. It was based on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire incident, which occurred in New York, taking the lives of multiple individuals. It was one of the most catastrophic events prior to the terrorist attacks of 2001. Copious lives could have been spared if it was not for the negligence of the factory managers. Antiquated policies suggested managers to lock the doors in order to prevent factory workers from stealing company assets. This inhibited workers from being able to escape from the premises. According to the film, the fire occurred due to the carelessness of an employee who disposed of a lit match in the waste bin. …show more content…

Student apathy is also prevalent, as there are many students that are unaware of the fire risk or threats that can occur in the dorm. Evacuation efforts sometimes are hindered because people ignore the proper procedures. The smoke detectors should not be tampered with and the batteries should always be checked to ensure the device is functioning properly. FIU provides its students with information for fire safety and prevention by teaching students how to properly use the 911 systems to notify the fire department. In every dorm room, there are smoke alarms, which are maintained and regularly tested by US Fire Marshalls. When FIU has room inspections, they are looking to make sure that there aren’t any fire hazards in the room in addition to ensuring that the students are living in a hygienic environment. After reviewing FIU’s policies I regularly inspect exit doors and windows to ensure that they are working properly. FIU regularly updates their detailed floor plans of buildings, making them accessible to all the resident assistants, advisors, and students on every floor. I will not overload electrical outlets, and I will also make sure extension cords are used in a proper manner.
The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire essentially led to the government to pass legislation on improving safety standards in public buildings all across the country. There are a lot of things that students have to do in order to control the amount of combustible

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