
The True Cause Of Edgar Allan Poe's Death

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Edgar Allan Poe is notorious for his poem’s about youth, beauty, women, and death. The cause of his death, much like his poems, is a mystery. Many people have created theories in attempt to unravel true cause of Edgar Allan Poe’s death. One of these many theories include alcoholism; many believe Poe had drunken himself to death. Others believe he died from exposure since Poe was found in an unreasonable outfit after a rainstorm had struck the previous day. More believed causes of his death consist of stories on how he contracted rabies, had a brain tumour, and that he was a victim of cooping. The true cause of Edgar Allan Poe’s death is cooping. Cooping is the most logical explanation for Poe’s death. Cooping is when people are taken against their will, flooded with liquor, and sent to vote multiple times. Each time the victim votes, their outfit is changed to conceal their true identity and to prevent someone from discovering that they are voting multiple times. Joseph W. Walker states that he found Poe “delirious and dressed in second hand clothes.” (Silverman, Poe’s Final Days) Poe’s normal attire, being from the South, was always a suit, …show more content…

I don’t think alcoholism was the cause of Poe’s death. “The writer was so sensitive to alcohol that a glass of wine would make him violently ill for days.” (NY Times. Poe’s Death Rewritten as a Case of Rabies) This is exactly what happened. Infact, alcohol made him so ill he died from it; except this overdose on alcohol was from cooping. I also don’t think exposure caused his death, even though on article wrote that there were “winds and soaking rains” the previous day. (Silverman, Poe’s Final Days) I don’t feel that ad weather the day before could affect him that drastically, regardless of what he was wearing. As I said earlier, I don’t believe his location and outfit at the time were a coincidence. Cooping is the most reasonable

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