
The Truman Show Human Rights

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The definition of human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. But what we see in the novel is that people live without their basic human rights. All patients in the ward are under control by a dictator, nurse Ratched. However, when Randle McMurphy gets admitted and tries to challenge the system that was established by nurse Ratched, the patients begin to take him as their spiritual leader. Later their rebellion can be seen as people struggle to stay human in a world where all of his human rights are trying to be stripped away. We can say freedom is part of human right and the only freedom for those patients is their use of cigarettes. They use cigarettes as money when they play cards, giving them power to place bets, take risks, and feel like men instead of children. Therefore when nurse Ratched confiscate their cigarettes, patients seem to get upset because what she takes away is the only amusement for patients during the daytime. Starting with an afternoon meeting, Charles Cheswick tries to get his cigarettes back, saying "I ain't no little kid to have cigarettes kept from me …show more content…

Truman has no right to choose his own life because everything included the place he live was already set up since he was born. Everyday billions of people around the globe watch Truman on the television show and he unaware anything about it. Those people he meets every single day, even his father and wife, are actors. After Truman living in a constructed reality show for 30 years, he finally becomes suspicious of the surrounding and starts discovering the truth about his life. At the end, when Truman opens the door to the outside world, he knows that he gets rid of the control by other and no longer follow the

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